Fear of tooth infection getting worse
I've had HA for 30 years. Mostly I can cope with any illness I've experienced before by reasoning with myself.
This time it's not working and I'm such a mess. I know I'm making myself much worse but I can't seem to find my way out of the loop.
I got toothache and although I dread the dentist I knew I needed to face my fears. He diagnosed an infection and gave me penicillin. He xrayed and said there's nothing wrong with the tooth so he doesn't want to pull it or weaken it with root canal work.
For four days I've been in agony and watching the clock to take my next lot of painkillers. I can't eat due to anxiety. My sleep pattern is very broken due to pain (and probably the anxiety too)
Dentist is now on leave until 9th December. Husband says I need to give the penicillin a chance to work. I'm halfway through a 7 day course.
My mind is telling me that surely by now the pain should ease off.
My mind is also telling me that it 'might' be something worse......
My mind is also probably telling me the pain is much worse than it actually is.
How long does a tooth abscess last once it's treated with penicillin?
Can anyone give me a little reassurance please
General Anxiety, Health Anxiety and Panic Disorder for over 25 years. South Africa