Does your HA prolong your symptoms, magnify the pain?
As the title says, do HA sufferers feel their symptoms more intensely?
How does one guage whether a symptom/pain is serious or not?
I've noticed that any health issues I have seem worse and last longer than they should simply because my mind enlarges the symptoms and any pain seems much worse than it actually is.
Right now I have toothache which I've had on and off for two months. I've had two courses of antibiotics and almost constant painkillers which help for an hour or two. The dentist can't actually find anything wrong but has treated me for infection but as my husband pointed out to me there is no swelling or fever and even knocking on the teeth involved doesn't produce huge pain. There may be a small infection but not enough to cause this huge and prolonged pain.
Now of course my HA mind is telling me it's some other mysterious disease the dentist hasn't picked up on after two visits and full mouth x-rays.
Am I only feeling a twinge but turning it into a huge pain in my.mind?
I feel like the 'pain meter' I have in my mind must be faulty and always turns to FULL when it detects any pain.
Does anyone else with HA feel this way?
How do you rationalise with yourself and decide if this pain is big or small?
I'm about to head back to the dentist to ask him to extract this tooth that I believe is causing me pain and he says has nothing wrong with it.
I feel a bit like someone in Grey's Anatomy who insisted on having a perfectly good leg amputated because it was causing him so much pain.
If I tell the dentist all of this he'll think I'm mad surely?
General Anxiety, Health Anxiety and Panic Disorder for over 25 years. South Africa