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Thread: Ear wax stuck to ear drum

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2012

    Exclamation Ear wax stuck to ear drum

    In mid-November, I had a heavy cold which led to a blocked left ear. I started using Otex ear drops for 5 days, and then switched to olive oil drops for a week before my ear wax removal appointment on Saturday 7th December.

    I went to my earwax removal appointment on Saturday, but unfortunately they said it would be unsafe to attempt microsuction as the wax is on the ear drum of my left ear. The audiologist said the ear drum was half covered with wax, and that I should carry on using olive oil drops to try and remove it. If it's not out by 2 weeks, he said I could come back and they will see if the wax has moved forward enough for it to be safely microsuctioned.

    It is now 5 days since that appointment. I can still feel the wax deep in my ear. It also makes a horrible whining noise (albeit not quite as loud as it was a couple of weeks ago). I am still using the olive oil ear drops twice a day. Should it have started to move forward by now? When I've been wiping away the olive oil runoff, I haven't seen any wax in it.

    I do worry a lot, but what would happen if the wax doesn't move forward by then, and it's still stuck to my ear drum and they say it's not safe to microsuction it? Surely it can't stay stuck there forever?

  2. #2

    Re: Ear wax stuck to ear drum

    It will come out!! Especially with the drops helping to soften it. Yours ears are experts at clearing themselves but it does take time. Keep going with the olive oil drops and see what your audiologist says when you go back. It won't be stuck forever - sometimes wax can be stubborn. I am a really waxy person so I feel your pain!

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