My health anxiety hasn't been too bad recently, but I'm struggling generally so I'm not surprised it hasn't taken much for it to flare.
I'm on day two of my period, woke up this morning, had a shower, and when I got out I blew my nose and there was blood. I ended up getting a bit of a nosebleed so I pinched my nose for 15 mins and then it was ok.
I've spent the rest of the day exhausted, a bit headachey, my nose hurting, and feeling a bit out of it generally.
Now that it's the evening, I'm starting to freak out that my head hurts because something awful is happening.
Is this normal?! Should I be worried that my head and nose hurt and my nose bled? I'm really not the type that has nosebleeds (but I did have that horrible winter cold a couple of weeks ago, and it caused a bit of sinusitis, with some ear pressure and tinnitus still lingering)...
Any advice (and reassurance) appreciated...