Christmas morning my son (20) comes out to ask me (of all people!) what I thought a lump in his cheek was.
I just about melted on the spot from anxiety but checked it. It was a firm lump about the size of a pea in his cheek about halfway between his ear and his mouth a few inches above his jaw.
I tried really hard not to panic and told him if it was still there after Christmas to go get it checked.
It hasn't changed so today he saw the GP who said it's probably a swollen lymph node and common after dental work, come back in 3 weeks if it's still there.
My son did have his annual check up and clean about 8 weeks ago, but this seems a long time for a lymph node to stay up.
I've just had an endometrial cancer scare and was waiting for pathology results over Christmas (only just got them on Friday and thankfully all is benign) so I'm still trying to regulate my nervous system after that and now trying to keep this in perspective is a struggle. I've long had a fear of lymphoma but I don't think the cheek is where those lymph nodes swell.
Anyone had a lymph node swell in this area from dental work?