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Thread: Bowel Issues - Just Venting

  1. #1

    Bowel Issues - Just Venting

    But I feel like I could use some advice.

    Let me preface this with the fact that I am 42, and male. My issues started innocuously enough. I had just finished a large meal and had a cramping feeling in my lower belly almost immediately. What followed was a massive BM of mostly runny diarrhea. I didn't think anything of it at first. It wasn't until about a week later that I remembered that I had bowel issues in the past, and I recalled this one singular moment from a week earlier that sent me spiraling down. I all of a sudden started to obsess over the amount of days I was going between BM's. I started to feel what I can only describe as 'phantom bloating'. It travels from either side of my belly, in both sides of my belly, or anywhere else inbetween. It culminated around Christmas with me having several panic attacks over the symptoms I was having.

    Afterwards, I ended up going back on Lexapro and am slowly getting used to the medication again. The reason for Lexapro is it is the only thing that has really numbed my anxiety in the past. And it is starting to help. I am noticing moments of clarity before going right back to obsessing over this.

    Personally, I do think it is anxiety because the symptoms aren't always there. And, I have never had pain at all other than the original trigger back in November. I've been taking Miralax for a couple of weeks now just to keep myself moving down there. I've been scared of being possibly really backed up, having an impaction, an obstruction, or possibly even a tumor in my colon.

    I feel better, mostly mentally, when I have a BM. However they seem really tiny most of the time now as I have not been eating that much lately.

    I started out at 255 pounds back in November. Right now I am 239. I recently had full blood work done and most things tested weren't too bad. I go back in on the 21st to discuss the blood work with my doctor.

    I just wish I could get back to the way I was before, not obsessing over my own digestive system, and catastrophizing every single possible thing that could be wrong with me.

    I do apologize if this seems ranty and disorganized, but I just needed to get it off my chest.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2018

    Re: Bowel Issues - Just Venting

    I totally feel you my friend. I am 40 myself and been having health anxiety for a while. Right now going through a pretty dark period and wish I was back 2 months back when I felt just fine. I am having some other GI issues, just pain and bloating but also feel my breathing is strange. All this stuff happening at the same time as is freaking me out. Also obsessed with my weight, I almost celebrate when my weight is up which is not normal. I bet the only reason your weight is going down is the same mine was, anxiety so you are not eating. I was anxious because every time I eat I feel like crap so was not eating as much, not even close.

    I went to the gastro and did a bunch of tests, waiting for him to message me but I do know I have H Pylori, at least its something but then I also think what if this is just 1 thing but there is something else. Our brains are crazy.

    I would go talk to the doctor again and see what they say, maybe they want to do more tests.

    Hang in there my friend it will all be alright

  3. #3

    Re: Bowel Issues - Just Venting

    Hello there behappy

    Thanks for the reply. Today has been a bit better. I was able to eat what I account for as 1000 calories. It is the first time in quite a few days I have been able to do that. My belly feels fine. I am just hoping that I am able to get this all out the other end so to speak. I have been increasing my liquid intake as well. I could tell I was getting dehydrated these past few days.

    I am starting to have more moments of clarity as time goes on as well. So I am hoping eventually I can just put this behind me later on.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2018

    Re: Bowel Issues - Just Venting

    Quote Originally Posted by sjm35 View Post
    Hello there behappy

    Thanks for the reply. Today has been a bit better. I was able to eat what I account for as 1000 calories. It is the first time in quite a few days I have been able to do that. My belly feels fine. I am just hoping that I am able to get this all out the other end so to speak. I have been increasing my liquid intake as well. I could tell I was getting dehydrated these past few days.

    I am starting to have more moments of clarity as time goes on as well. So I am hoping eventually I can just put this behind me later on.

    thats good news my friend. Wishing for a good poop tomorrow

  5. #5

    Re: Bowel Issues - Just Venting

    Quote Originally Posted by behappy View Post
    thats good news my friend. Wishing for a good poop tomorrow
    My big issue is I never paid attention to how many times I was going in a week before this. Now that I am, I am panicking and reaching for the Dulcolax way too often. I haven't had any since the 15th though. I have switched over to Miralax, and giving it a try. I can feel my stomach gurgling quite a bit but no real desire to pass anything. It is giving me a lot of gas though.

    I do have a question. If I did have a blockage, would I sill be able to pass gas. The gas I have been passing hasn't been tiny farts either. They have been very satisfying at times. I just worry incessantly about having a fecal impaction, or an obstruction of some sort. The thing is I don't have any pain.

    The Dulcolax gave me many watery bowel movements full of fecal material. So I am passing stuff.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2018

    Re: Bowel Issues - Just Venting

    I have no idea. I am having crazy amounts of gas right now, its really bad and painful. When I went to the gastro a couple weeks ago he got me to do an xray to see if there was some backing up, maybe ask your doc for an xray so they can see. No idea if gas would still pass though. I feel bad cuz I am still going to the bathroom everyday, I skipped a day last week and I felt terrible. Not everyone goes everyday though

  7. #7

    Re: Bowel Issues - Just Venting

    I took the easy way out once more, and popped more Dulcolax. I am pretty sure it's just cleaning me out each time, and it takes some time for new stuff to come down the pipe so to speak. Hopefully this is the last time.

  8. #8

    Re: Bowel Issues - Just Venting

    I did have a ray of hope just now, since now I am hearing the rumblings of Dulcolax starting to work. I am hearing bowel noises all the way down to the end of the GI tract. And while loud, some sort of obstruction would not allow the quantity of bowel sounds I am hearing.

  9. #9

    Re: Bowel Issues - Just Venting

    I figured I would come in and give an update about how things are going.

    I've been on the Miralax now for about a week and a half. It is really good at keeping me (mostly) regular, which does help out with my anxiety more than most would know. The bowel movements are small and soft, but I am just happy that they are happening and I am emptying myself out. I can have anywhere from 1 to 3 a day.

    Not much more of an update than that. The Lexapro is slowly helping me mellow out and make things even better. I am hoping I can begin weaning myself off the Miralax though as time goes on.

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