Hi all, I'm hoping for a little reassurance until I can see my GP to follow up next week. I recently had bloods taken to check my FSH level. However, the bloods have turned up some more concerning about my kidney function. My eGFR is reading 72 and a slightly raised potassium, meaning potentially stage 2 chronic Kidney Disease. Is their anyone on here who has knowledge of the calculations for eGFR? As according to the NICE guidelines the calculation used by the NHS should be the CDK-epi (2009) but it looks like mine were calculated with the MDRD one. When I checked this with an online calculator my level showed as 81, still not great but 10% better! I'm a white female, aged 46 with a creatinine level of 76.

I could really not do with this all right now as also have an appointment at the breast clinic tomorrow regarding a small dent under my breast. It feel like I'm either going to be diagnosed with breast cancer or ckd or knowing my luck, both!