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Thread: Brain fog for years - Can anyone relate? So many blood tests now going for MRI

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2016

    Unhappy Brain fog for years - Can anyone relate? So many blood tests now going for MRI

    So for the past few years I've been struggling with really bad brain fog which has lead me to struggle with tasks at work, progressively worsening memory, inability to focus, lead me to try and keep human interaction to a minimum, had general depression/anhodonia that multiple meds haven't fixed (yet?), and a lot of physical and mental fatigue.

    It became so bad that I ended up going to a private ADHD clinic, and got diagnosed with ADHD at 27 (am 29 now). The meds help, but it really just feels like it's masking my inability to concentrate and articulate myself. My worry that things aren't getting better and that there's something sinister going on)... I have...

    3 slightly high Amylase tests that GPs haven't actioned because it's not high enough (125-147).
    Reactive hypoglycemia
    Painful joints that click all of the time
    Random bruises - GPs not concerned
    Cyanosis in my nails for months - GPs not bothered
    Frequent urination - Given oxybutinin which barely helps, but GPs never bothered to check my bladder

    These are all real symptoms, they're not psychosomatic, yet GPs never refer me anywhere...

    I think maybe I have some connective tissue disorder that I'm having to go to a private geneticist for in March, but the brain fog and this feeling of cognitive decline has been going on for so long I've also booked a private MRI of my brain because something's wrong with me.

    Can anyone relate? Has anyone had brain fog for years that makes them feel like they've declined cognitively? I am so worried about something like Parkinson's, MELAS syndrome, frontal lobe dementia, mild cognitive impairment, or functional neurological disorder...
    Last edited by MobileChicane; 27-01-25 at 15:25.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2012

    Re: Brain fog for years - Can anyone relate? So many blood tests now going for MRI

    In parts of your post, I could have written it myself.

    I’ve always had suspected ADHD, although I haven’t been formally diagnosed. Memory - don’t even start me on my memory (it’s causing a flare at the minute, worried about brain tumour)

    Clicking joints - have you heard of Ehler Danlos syndrome? This benign syndrome (which is underdiagnosed - meaning many people have it, they just haven’t been diagnosed) is very close to home for me. My partner has it, and I suspect I have it as well (I passed the tests he had done for it). You should look into it as a LOT of your symptoms sound related.

    This syndrome is benign - it doesn’t affect life span, nor does it affect quality of life. So it’s really not a worrying diagnosis at all.

    Out of interest - have you ever dislocated anything easily? Such as jaw, joints etc?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2016

    Re: Brain fog for years - Can anyone relate? So many blood tests now going for MRI

    Quote Originally Posted by RadioGaGa View Post
    In parts of your post, I could have written it myself.

    I’ve always had suspected ADHD, although I haven’t been formally diagnosed. Memory - don’t even start me on my memory (it’s causing a flare at the minute, worried about brain tumour)

    Clicking joints - have you heard of Ehler Danlos syndrome? This benign syndrome (which is underdiagnosed - meaning many people have it, they just haven’t been diagnosed) is very close to home for me. My partner has it, and I suspect I have it as well (I passed the tests he had done for it). You should look into it as a LOT of your symptoms sound related.

    This syndrome is benign - it doesn’t affect life span, nor does it affect quality of life. So it’s really not a worrying diagnosis at all.

    Out of interest - have you ever dislocated anything easily? Such as jaw, joints etc?

    Yeah the main reason I am going to the geneticist is to see if I have some form of Elhers Danlos Syndrome or other connective tissue disorder. I don't think I've dislocated anything, but my finger joints "trigger" often and hurt.

    I am also getting random intense pains in my bones and ribs, and from my most recent blood test I've had increased Serum Protein and lower WBC... which makes me worry about some bone marrow disorder or something. Fun fun...

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