As with everyone else i found this thread while googling 'duloxetine withdrawal' and although i'm not a huge fan of forums, it has given me a little hope reading through everyone's experiences. I've been on duloxetine for a year and am attempting to withdrawal off it in order to go onto another medication, as the side effects were just too much for me. i.e. nightmares, stomach upsets, sweating, dizziness etc etc. Well, I came off paroxetine to go on duloxetine and although i remember that being hellish, I can't even start to describe just how bad the withdrawal is from this medication... constant vertigo/dizziness, nausea, stomach upsets, muscle aches, flu like symptoms etc and not forgetting the bouts of incessant crying. In moments of clarity, I really do feel like never going onto another antidepressant again, however I realise I may have to be on some medication in order to keep the depression and anxiety in check for the rest of my life.

Although I'm under the care of a phychiatrist coming off duloxetine, I think they underestimate and then don't warn their patients enough about the withdrawal process. I've also found out that because duloxetine has a very short 'half life' means you need to take even more care with withdrawal. I must mean to thank my consultant for warning me about this, his advice had been to continue taking 60mg duloxetine and then just switch onto sertraline straight away. Little did I know. Good thing I'd asked the GP their advice.

I won't keep ranting, but if you do read this having googled duloxetine withdrawal, please, please, please don't go cold turkey and for god's sake just take your time, not just a few weeks to come off it. Go slow as you can and take good care of yourself.

all the best, here's hoping for some good health! x