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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    , , United Kingdom.


    I suffer from anxiety and panic attacks, and have noticed that on the last five Saturday evenings I have endured a panic attack each time![}]

    I discussed this during my latest CBT session, and we went through questions such as was I getting wound up about going out etc. However, my calendar has been a bit of a mixed bag - I've stopped in, gone clubbing, and stayed "local" with a group of close mates, which is most normal for me, and doesn't usually bother me.

    We discussed this further, and I commented that I have been busy on the weekend, and haven't eaten the amount of food that I would usually do. Also, I've been eating later and later on a Saturday night. (During the week, I don't normally have my evening meal till 7 pm+, but have breakfast and lunch, interspersed with snacks of fruit, digestive biscuits etc.)

    Has anybody else found that low blood sugar can trigger panic symptoms? If so, can anybody recommend things that will boost my blood sugar (preferably healthy, slow release carbohydrates i.e. not chocolate!), and in particular meals and snacks that are easy to prepare. I want to carry on enjoying my life, and don't want to spend half my weekend, shopping, preparing, cooking and eating food!

    Also, has anybody else found that they actually put weight on when stressed :(- or have previous years of not eating properly affected my metabolism? (I'm not comforting eating, and doing my usual amount of exercise).


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi Lottie,

    We've had a full thread devoted to this in the last few weeks.

    Please use the search facility up on the right of the page and put in hypoglycaemia. It's in the Panic topic section.


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    Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    , , .
    Lottie - I cant belive you have worte this, at the same time I was writing a topic A GOOD DIET asking simalar things, so keep your eyes on both topics for the reply we are looking for (and vise-versa)!! good luck

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    hiya charlie
    i used to get panic every saturday night and i found that as well as not eating properly, i was also almost waiting for the panic to come and sure enough it did, so try not to worry every saturday that you will get a panic attack or you will inevitably get one because of the asociation saturday = panic
    love Sarah

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    I am diabetic and I find that my moods and emotions change constantly depending on what my blood sugar levels are.
    I have been suffering with anxiety and panic for the last year and a half but after 9 months off work, a lot of therapy, a good doctor and medication (which I am still taking) i have it under control (most of the time)
    It has always scared me when my blood sugars go too low and sometimes I can say and do some very strange things without even knowing i am doing it.
    My diabetes is not in good control and I find that my blood sugars are constantly rising and falling.
    Let me just point out that it is not the diabetes that makes me panic, but the condition itself does not help my symptoms and I think it is has a major contribution to the way I am feeling.
    Blood sugars go too low and I get the shakes, the sweats and i often confuse this with a panic attack and it makes me worse.
    When this happens i have the tendancy to eat more than i should, making my blood sugars go way to high.
    I then panic when my blood sugars are too high, and the symptoms I get with this is extreme tiredness and dizziness (the same symptoms i got with my anxiety, only not as bad)
    About putting on weight!!!!
    Before my doctor signed me of sick from work (with severe nervous depression and anxiety) i was a healthy size 12 and weighed 9 stones, had a wonderful flat stomach, toned legs and bottom.
    I spent 9 months on the sick and out of boredom, and a way of keeping busy (to take my mind of the way I was feeling) I ate all the time and went from smoking about 10 cigarettes a day to smoking about 30!!!! (I have since cut down again since being back at work)
    My weight is almost 11 and a half stone and I am now a size 16!!!

    I hope this all makes sense


  6. #6
    Join Date
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    , , United Kingdom.
    Thanks Diane

    Glad you're starting to feel a bit better now.

    Diabeties is hard, I have several friends who have type 1 and one with type 2, and have had to help one out several times when he has gone into coma.

    I discussed this with my CBT lady, but she wasn't sure, she just suggested I keep a diary, and monitor my eating.

    When I have the urge to snack, I eat things like rice cakes, fruit, nuts and plain biscuits (digestives).

    This seems to make a difference.


  7. #7
    Join Date
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    I forgot to mention Potatoes and bread are a good source of carohydrate and will boost your blood sugar (gradually over a period of time) and often work better than a quick fix (chocolate, sugar etc...)

    Have you tried Jacket potatoes (quick to do in the microwave) I have one for my dinner at work and it gets me through the rest of the day (until tea at about 6 o clock)

    I also became addicted to KFC's at one point and was eating them every day (not good) and if i didnt have one i would have violent mood swings. I dont eat them any more though (well, sometimes) and try not to eat fast food like mcdonalds at all as once I have one the cravings start to come back.

    I know that probably sounds weird, but its true, i was addicted to fast food!!!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    , , United Kingdom.

    fruit,nuts and dry biscuits sound good to me,also make some toast,leave for an hour,then eat.

    its the old story..little and often,during the day,and one decent size meal at nite...bryan.

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