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Thread: Is this A Panic Attack?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2003
    , , United Kingdom.

    Is this A Panic Attack?

    Dear Nic,
    I had not had a panic attack in quite a while til last night. I woke up in the middle of the night shaking, heart punding etc. And my left arm was sore what was this? Is this what people describe as being numb? Also my hands shake a lot now and the veins in my hands hurt is this due to the nerves that are making them shake? Is this normal. Please help. Thank you. xxxx [)][:X][8)][]

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    sorry I've posted this topic twice. xx [8)]

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi Rachel, sorry for the delay in replying.

    Perhaps you slept funny on your arm - i sometimes wake up with a numb one if I have laid funnily on it. My hands used to shake a lot when I was suffer panic and anxiety every day but not so much now. I am not sure about the veins hurting though. Maybe ask the doc next time you go unless anyone on here has a similar experience.

    Hope you are feeling better today.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2003
    , , USA.
    hi Rachel. I have had the numb arms. I have always attributed it to sleeping funny. With the shaking - if my attack really gets going, this will happen. Usually I will run a warm/hot bath and try to relax (and take my xanax if I haven't already). As for the veins hurting, I haven't experienced that, sorry that you do and glad that I don't. Call your doctor on that one or check out the web for anything like that.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    Thanx for your replies. The vein thing (lol) they don't hurt all the time thankfully and haven't hurt since. My hands don't shake AS much nowadays.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    , , Australia.
    Hey guys im really freaked out i have this heave feeling in the right side of my head for about three months and a blcoked ear, i went to the doc a few weeks ago because my heart was pumping and i was freaking out after i had one joint, the doc said im having a panic attack but i keep thinking its a tumor or something and keep thinking about ti because its like a feeling of pressure or something but not a headache. I started taking paxil and the stuff had the same effect on me as pot and was making me just as scared im not sure whats wrong with me but last night i had two puffs of a joint and my heart startibng racing again what do you guys think is wrong with me i mean have been to the hospital 7 times and the doctors10 times in the last week and they keep telling me not to worry and theres nothing wrong with my head but they have not even done a scan there, my doc also said that if he was concerned about a tumor he would have sent me for a scan and there snothing to worry about but this does not out me at ease because that feeling is still there in the right side of my head and i really can thandle taking alchol, pot, cigerattes or anything like that anymore it just makes my heart pump really fast and makes me feel like im dieing, the effect also come sometimes in the middle of the night but recently they are only coming from taking things and the pressure feeling in the head is really scaring me and my thoughs are running 1 million miles an hour

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    I dont know for sure, Rob- but I can only say what I have been through myself. Personally- I have smoked pot a bit-when i was about 17-19. Not much. Only ever about 10 times!!! But It really freaked me out- I'd get spaced out and paranoid- and very very anxious. It made me feel awful- and I therefore knocked it on the head. However- I don't get this with alcohol. I get chilled out with alcohol. My heart rate slows down and I feel relaxed. Not an Ideal solution to anxiety, but I think things affect people differently. I'd stop the drinking/ smoking if it makes you feel so terrible. see what happens then.
    If you are concerned about the brain tumour- keep going back until they do a test. Only then can you rule that out- and try the next thing. Good luck Rob- and keep well.
    Joanne x

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    just to let you know, when I started panicking I gave up ciggies and alcohol and caffiene, leads for a boring life I know but it made me feel a lot better. Whether it was psycological or a physical benefit it worked for me. Everyone is different though! ( I have since started smoking again- im too addicted - lol)


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