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Thread: Poorly kitten, yet again.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Poorly kitten, yet again.


    Evening all

    Well I don't know why, but I seem to be having bad luck with one of my lovely kittens, Molly Some of you might remember the previous drama in their lives, where Molly nearly died and Mable seemed to be following.

    So Molly is 8 months old, and a gentle, affectionate puss who likes nothing more than to have a full tummy and cuddle up on my knee.

    This afternoon I came home from being out and about. Molly was there, right as rain. I went upstairs for a couple of minutes....she was fine. When I came down again, I noticed she was squinting in one eye. I picked her up for a closer look and her head was jerking - almost as though she was fitting. Then she scarpered and wouldn't let me near her. She ate some food and was running about, but still jerking her whole body and running away when I went near.

    Of course, I was worried and rang the Vet who said to bring her in immediately. It is not our practice, but he was really good and said her behaviour was very unusual. Her eye had gone cloudy and she continued to twitch. I then noticed something sticky in her fur, which smelt like Engine Oil. She was extremely tender all over her back when he touched her. She had a fever too.

    I just have no idea what has happened to my cat. I don't think she's been hit by a car....perhaps in a fight, but he can't see any actual damage to her eye, only inflammation.

    He said the twitching is unusual and he's only ever seen it in cases of insecticide poisoning, like flea spray. Well I bought some flea spray today, but decided not to use it. It sat on the table for about 5 minutes...I didn't even take the lid off, but there is a possibility she could have licked the can and there had been some on it. I just don't know

    Other possibilities are Toxoplasmosis, some other poisoning or 'Hyperaesthetic syndrome', which I've never heard of.

    Anyway she's had an antibiotic and painkilling shot (this is so familiar) and I am now putting drops in her eye every hour until midnight. I have to ring him at midnight to let him know if she's stable, otherwise she will have to be admitted

    Sorry this is so long. I'm just at a total loss to know why one minute my cat is fine, and the next she's really quite unwell. Has anyone got any experience of this? Any ideas?


    'If you're going through hell, keep going' (Winston Churchill)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2006
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Poorly kitten, yet again.

    Awwwww Swanny

    My heart goes out to you

    Two of my cats are missing so I know the heartache

    As to the cause???

    My sisters cat has epilepsy and behaves in a similar way.....he is on valium has been for years

    I once had a kitten that I sprayed with too much flea spray by accident and he had an allergic reaction to it

    Do you live in the country???? Pesticides maybe??? Or slug pelletts???

    I do hope she gets better soon

    Vets are very good these days

    Thinking of you

    Kaz x x x

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Poorly kitten, yet again.

    Hi, hope you kitten gets better soon, are pets are soo special to us. Have some hugs and let us know how she goes. x

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Poorly kitten, yet again.


    So sorry to hear this.

    I am wondering if she is one of those sickly cats that you get sometimes cos of the breeding etc. Not much help to you I know but it could be because of that.

    This must be costing a fortune - I hope you have insurance!

    I truely hope she gets better soon and you get to the bottom of it all

    Have a hug from me.

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  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Re: Poorly kitten, yet again.

    Thanks guys

    Yea - well I thought I was doing well with money, until this afternoon when I had to fork out for new tyres (I've been ignoring my car punctures for some time!), and then another trip to the emergency vet! Ouch. Fortunately they are insured. To be honest though, I don't care as long as she's ok.

    Her sister is very robust and a tough little cookie. She's much smaller than Molly but doesn't seem phased by anything, so I don't think it's breeding. Molly is definitely the more sensitive one though and seems to be far more affected by things. I'm going to Italy next week and am dreading leaving them If Molly doesn't get better I won't be going anywhere.

    Kazz - I live in a large village - so it could well be something like slug pellets. It's just the fact that her eye has gone cloudy that's weird. And it was so quick, unless I just hadn't noticed before.

    Anyway, at the moment she's just had more eye drops and she seems ok. She's stopped twitching and is in her bed with a blanket on her (because I'm a bit soft). I washed the oil out of her fur so she is quite cross with me!

    Kazz - any news on the cats? I think of you often hun and still keeping my fingers crossed for their safe return

    'If you're going through hell, keep going' (Winston Churchill)

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Poorly kitten, yet again.

    Im so sorry to hear about your cat,its so upsetting to see them in distress.I lost a cat to slug pellets many years ago,she didnt have the same symptoms as yours.
    I hope all is ok keep us posted.
    Yorkylover xxx

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Re: Poorly kitten, yet again.

    Hi Swan
    Hope Molly gets well soon and I hope you have a fab time in Italy. Lots of love and hugs
    Mags xxx

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Re: Poorly kitten, yet again.

    Thanks Ellen and Mags

    I let them sleep in my room last night, which I don't usually. From 6am-7.30, they leapt repeatedly on me at great speed, which was relaxing. So I figured Molly was feeling a bit better!

    I took her back to the vet this morning and her temperature is now ok. Her back is still very sore to touch and she bit me when I stroked it - she is never vicious so I know it is hurting her.

    The eye is still a bit cloudy and more reflective than the other. The Vet said it is inflamed but the cornea hasn't ruptured or anything so that's good.

    We still have no idea what has happened. She thinks most likely that Molly has been bitten by another cat which is hurting her back - but she said it's good that we got antibiotics into her quickly so hopefully she won't get an abscess.

    Possibly she fell from a fence or a tree or something, but that doesn't explain the oil in her fur. My only other theory is that maybe she got under a car and somehow got caught up, or she was rooting in someone's shed and something has fallen on her.

    Anyway, she's eating and playing a bit and seems pretty ok so I'm hoping she is on the mend. She won't let me cuddle her but for now I will allow her just to do what she likes!

    'If you're going through hell, keep going' (Winston Churchill)

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Poorly kitten, yet again.

    Get well soon, Molly!

    I've got a Molly cat as well. She's a miserable little sod

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  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Re: Poorly kitten, yet again.

    (((((((((((((((((((((( swanny ))))))))))))))))))))))

    I'm so sorry your kitten is unwell again hun. I have had cats all my life and have saw just about everything but never the twitching thing. sorry!! Not long ago my own cat started acting very odd, she was very cloudy eyed, slow in her movements and not really wanting to talk to anyone at all, again the only explaination for it was that she had gotten into a fight with another cat and came of worse, She did feel very sorry for herself for a few days but did come round and now is back to her normal I AM THE BOSS OF THIS HOUSE self. tut

    I hope Molly feels better very soon and that you are able to go on your trip! have a brilliant time.

    Lots a love

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