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Thread: Please Read Men Only!!!

  1. #21

    Re: Please Read Men Only!!!

    I know how worrying it must be for you and you must feel very awkward fearing what might or might not happen.
    Of course the more you worry the more difficult it will be for you.
    In any relationship people sometimes like to take things easier and if your girlfriend understands that things are difficult for you than I am sure she will be understanding. You don't have to dive in, men and woman can enjoy each other by touch, soft and gentle rather than just dive in excuse the pun.
    You can of course get help with this as you can be prescribed cialis which is similar to viagra, unfortunately unless you have a heart condition you have to pay for it on a private prescription.
    I wouldn't say for MEN ONLY to read your message as i am sure that alot of the ladies that use this website will be able to give you reassurances from a woman's perspective.

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Please Read Men Only!!!

    Hi Tidus - I'd certainly put it down to the medication, and it might be worth checking the potential side effects info supplied with each med to try and detect the offender. That way you may be able to discuss an alternative with your doctor.

    I certainly wouldn't rush out and buy Viagra without seeing your GP first, as its side effects may cause you problems too. Also taking a med to fix a med is never a good idea, and its unlikely you'll get the info with them if you bought them off the black market as most men who use them do.

    I've been on over 30 different meds to date, and I think practically every one has had the potential to affect my performance. Only a couple have though, and its either been a loss of libido (no fun at all) or not being able to finish once I've started which is even more frustrating than not starting at all.

    I think two of the worst side effects I've seen on my meds were :

    1 An overly hard and painful sustained errection
    2 Spontaneous ejaculation

    Fortunately I didn't suffer from either of these, but both could be very embarassing if you were in the middle of Tescos doing your shopping.

    If you decide that you don't want to discuss this with your doc, I can only suggest more foreplay. Sorry if this sounds crude, but I find fingers and thumbs can be appreciated just as much as the act itself.

    __________________________________________________ ________________________________________

    When your heads in the sand you can't see the wood for the trees - namely because you're staring at sand.

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Re: Please Read Men Only!!!

    ok, slight embarrassment but here goes.....

    Sex? I think I remember what this is...something in the past is coming back to my memory... It's been such a long time if I'm ever with a man again in that situation I'll probably point and say something like 'you want to put that where?'

    To put it bluntly,(and this has been confirmed by many women) as long as the woman climaxes through foreplay most women won't care how long the other bit lasts....

    Even the ladies on the programme 'Loose Women' were saying this the other week!
    Take care and try not to worry.

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    Re: Please Read Men Only!!!

    could i just point out that i think nmp members are wonderful and the most supportive understanding friends we could all have

    it doesnt seem to matter what the worry is there are always friends to offer guidance and empathy

    thank you for all your kindness

    milly xxx

  5. #25

    Re: Please Read Men Only!!!

    Sorry if this sounds flippant. I tend to treat things light heartedly. Doesn't mean to say I don't understand what anxiety is and feels like.

    I am suprised that some of you nosey women haven't pointed something out. Would you really want someone who can last longer than 15 minutes?
    I'm not an expert on women, my experience is somewhat limited, however I most certainly am THE expert on one woman and I can honestly say that if I was 'on the job' with her for 15 minutes she would start reading a book (probably after about five) and tell me to let her know when I was finished.
    Actually, if I was 'on the job' for 15 mins I would either die of exhaustion or have a PA because I thought I was going to.

    The "lasting at sex" anxiety is about as common as size anxiety and both are irrelevant. From reading it seems most women (80% according to Cosmo)find it far harder to orgasm through penetration than external manipulation, hell you don't even need a willy for that! With stats like that then when it comes to sex a willy is just there for show, our pleasure, and making babies!

    Statistically, believe it or not, men average 5 1/2 inches and last just under FIVE minutes (and for you ladies the French, on average, are the largest men in the world (or is that biggest liars?), Pakistanis the smallest (or most modest)). If you are better in either department grats, but remember that if it was just down to size and stamina then we could be replaced tomorrow by a bit of plasticised rubber and a couple of batteries.

    My advice is get hold of a book called "How to make love to the same woman for the rest of your life". I don't think it's supposed to be as funny as I found it, but certainly it has some good tips and applying some of the stuff changes love making to just that. Then it doesn't matter even if it doesn't make it out of your undies ...

    Remember: the meal before hand, the tender words, the massage, the curl up in front of the fire together, the chocolate and wine, and the thirty mins foreplay are for her. The five minutes jiggling up and down on top are for you.

    Inchy (the wanabe luuurve guru)

    PS. Once tried tantric sex and fell asleep. Mrs Inchy wasn't pleased.

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    Re: Please Read Men Only!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Trixie View Post
    See, I told you that it wouldn't hurt.
    Depends how hard you squeeze !!!!!!!

  7. #27
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Re: Please Read Men Only!!!

    This might be an obvious suggestion, but you can get those Durex condoms that help you last longer, I think they are thicker, they decrease your sensation.

  8. #28
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Re: Please Read Men Only!!!

    as you talking about sex, well if wanted sex now i would need 2 things a A-Z AND A GPS mate to find it ,ha,ha,ha

  9. #29
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Re: Please Read Men Only!!!

    This thread's 2 years old.

  10. #30
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    Re: Please Read Men Only!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by BeltaineInchy View Post

    Statistically, believe it or not, men average 5 1/2 inches and last just under FIVE minutes .

    Yea i,m about average then .

    If i fold it in half

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