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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    , , United Kingdom.


    Since starting CBT at the end of March, I have been slowly making some progress (despite my gran - who was one of my bestest friends dying this year).[|)]

    I can now - go and visit all my friends without feeling ill before hand, go to the local pub without getting wound up, go to the local night clubs and stay till the end, go to restaraunts and pubs and have a meal and also just stop in. I have also been shopping several times, and done all my Xmas shopping at the beginning of November. Oh and been to the theatre.

    I am still doing CBT, but only go every couple of months, and I am not on medication at all. I haven't seen the doctor all year. The downside of feeling better is that I have started to put weight on again - so gym membership is looking like a necessity soon!!!

    I am happy with what I have done this year, and intend to keep it up. There are lots of things that I want to do next year, like to go the pictures, visit friends further afield, and stop over at friends houses. However, I know not to get too carried away with what I have achieved and rush into doing too many new things too quickly. Instead I am going to take my time, and introduce things slowly. By this time next year, I would hope to have achieved all that I have listed above, and to still be doing the things in the first paragraph,

    I have bought a Charlie Book, and in it I have written weekly targets. These are simple things like do three 20 minute walks this week. Smoke a maxiumum of 10 cigarettes a day. Stop in one night. Be in bed before 11pm on two nights. Go shopping over the weekend. Visit a new/not usually gone to pub for a pint before going to the local over the weekend. Have a meal at the new chinese. Eat five fruit and veg portions a day.

    I tick off what I have done, and nag myself to try better next week if I fail on something. If I haven't done something because I have been busy, and have done something else instead (i.e. gone to a friends instead of the pub), I still give myself a tick. If I've missed something because I got scared I have a cross. Each week I am going to monitor my crosses and ticks, and I hope within the next few months my Charlie Book will be all ticks each week[8D]Mainly I want this to be a positive progress book.
    I've already cheated and given myself a dozen ticks cos I made it to the dentist last week!!! Hurrah.

    But most of all, I'm going to try and stay up beat, keep going with the CBT, and get my life back from anxiety.

    Because after all - the only difference between a rut and a grave is the depth!!!


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Now there is a true success story

    Keep It Up Charlie and never lose your sense of humour or witty imagination


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hiya Charlie
    You have just inspired me!!!
    I used to keep a book of things to acomplish each day when i was doing group an anxiety management course, but gave it up when the course stopped. You have just reminded me how useful it was so im going to start a new one
    You sound like you are doing really well mate, keep it up, you are my new idol!!!!
    love Sarah

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi Sarah

    I haven't made mine things to do each day (apart from not smoke more than 10 fags), I've made mine things to do each week. This means if I'm having a bad day, I don't feel worse cos I've not done everything on the list. And if I manage everything in two days, I've got five days to kick up my heels! I'm going to try and make if fun, and upbeat, and record the negative bits when it's useful - i.e. too much to drink / not enough sleep Friday = bad day Saturday. I can learn from this then, and make sure I moderate myself and have an early night Friday, then have a better Saturday! (Thats the theory at least)

    The important thing for me is that I have suffered on and off for the last 20 years. I have had bad spells, and YEARS without any panic at all. I really feel that I am at the bottom of the ladder at the minute. I few steps back and I'm at the bottom of the well, but a few forward and I'm half way up the bean stalk.

    So my diary/scrapbook is really going to be a record of achievement, because I'm determined to climb this time. Hopefully then, if I suffer a "blip", I can review the last few months and realise that I'm only back a rung, and still climbing, just starting a bit lower down!!

    Thanks for your support Sarah and Lucky.

    LOL Charlie x


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    , , United Kingdom.

    if that doesnt motivate others to join you,then i dont know wot will.

    your an inspiration to certainly keep me smiling,and ime a right misery guts.

    dont forget to give us updates...bryan.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hiya Charlie
    Dont worry, im not gonna make my daily to do list anything exciting...maybe just things like....getting up at a reasonable time,minimum housework, cooking hubby a nice dinner and walking up the road for a paper each day (something i managed to do today without any panic. Ive only done this on my own once before in the last 18 months). - daft as i can sometimes manage driving to town for a quick look round, think its something to do with having my escape route - my car right outside the shop!!!
    Now my long term goal is....GET A JOB ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!lol
    love Sarah

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    Very Well Done for your walk , Sarah.

    More progress. Seems we have lots of success stories.



    Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
    Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    Isn't it nice to see all this positivity - makes me glow inside :-)


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    That's such a good idea Charlie! If you make it things to do in general instead of every day then there is no pressure either. Makes sure you update us on your progress.


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    Well done Sarah

    Thats exactly what I mean, simple things like going for a walk. I'm going to include things I do a lot, but also focus on how I feel when I'm doing them i.e. going round to mates for supper (struggle, felt wound up) against going round for mates for supper (relaxed enjoyable evening). I don't have another CBT until January now, so am going to concentrate on improving what I've done, not taking any more steps. And getting the dreaded Xmas out the way!!!!!

    Still this year still can't be as bad as last


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