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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    , , United Kingdom.


    I posted on Health Anxiety this morning but no one has replied I'm so sorry for repeating myself but I am so scared again.

    I have just been looking up heart flutterings on internet, something I haven't done for ages, and they have scared me even more. Mine seem to be so often over the last few weeks and I don't know why. They are really scaring me and making me think something is really wrong with me now. I have had them for three years and I just wish I knew how to cope with them. I need to know other peoples experiences/symptoms to know that I am not alone and that others get the frequent/daily and have had them for a long time, with no other problems.

    This is the major cause of my panic/anxiety and if I could just get past this I am sure I would be so much better all round.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.

    I replied to your other post and just seen this one now.

    Sorry you are feeling so bad today and I am sending you a hug.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    , , United Kingdom.
    hi linda

    i also suffer with heart flutters i get them on a daily basis i also have them at night when i am trying to sleep i find they get worse when i am anxious which i am most of the time they are very scary but i find coughing actually does help just wanted to let you know you are not alone


  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2005
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi Linda,

    I get these aswell, I have spoken to the doctor. They are nothing to worry about, all part of the anxiety. Problem is, the more you worry, the more aware you will be of them and the worse they will seem. Try your deep breathing. I also agree with Helen, coughing does help me.

    Take care, try not to worry. Or maybe mention it to the docter? Im sure its all anxiety.

    The internet. Hmmm, thats my downfall, im always looking up symtoms and diagnosing myself. Thing is, I tend to find other symptoms and then we get the worse case scenario. Try to stay off it for symptoms. Im fighting that one.

    PM me if you want to talk

    Emma xx

    Keep focused, keep positive.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi Linda

    Sorry to hear you arent doing too good again, but dont forget it is anxiety and you have had many incidents in your life that has led you to this.

    You are only human hun and what you have being through will bring on health issues, but it is anxiety and the symptoms are anxiety and nothing more. We all suffer differently and this is how you suffer, i can sympathise with you and in time it will get better.

    When you feel like this you need to lean on others, husband etc to give you some space. Whether he likes it or not given a few minutes to calm down and have that time to yourself if will pass quicker.

    Wish i lived nearer and could be of more help with you, but you know i am always here to listen and support you however i can. A few months back you were alone with this, now you are not you have us to help you through it.

    Love Sal xx

    Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

  6. #6
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    Thanks for replying to me, I know I get scared and this doesn't help my symptoms. They had disappeared since about 5pm this afternoon but just noticed a few more, when I got up and came to log on computer.

    Its nice to know I have people here who can understand what I'm going through. I don't tend to tell my husband or many people around me if I'm having the ectopics so much now, and he generally thinks most of the time I'm ok. I just tend to deal with it on my own or come on her and bug all of you.

    Speak to you tomorrow.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Tell him, you need his support and time out from it all. It works both ways he has time out from the children and you need a few minutes or more if you feel like this to get through it.

    We all deserve some space and you especially.

    Lots of hugs mate.

    Love Sal xx

    Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Thanks Sal, but the stupid thing is, this weekend I should have been totally chilled. He took the kids to his moms yesterday, we had a night out together and had a really good time and still I got panicky. What a wreck. Admittedly, because I had a bit to drink last night, that will have helped trigger the ectopics today, but that isn't usually the case. Although I do drink its not often I drink excessively, saying that last night, I was only merry, not out of my head drunk!!!
    PM me when you can, let me know how you're doing. I have been thinking of you, but have been selfishly wrapped up in my own fears and searching for answers, so haven't checked many other posts unless they relate to my symptoms, but lots of hugs back to you and I hope you're doing ok. Remember I'm here for you too if you need to talk, it might take my mind of these stupid things!

    Take care,

  9. #9
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    You are not being selfish at all, you are having a hard time and i will help you all i can.

    Sometimes the fact we are allowed to relax leads us to panic, suddenly the bussiness of our lifes is removed and we have time to think, i know how that feels.

    Its a question of getting the measure right from being busy and having time out and chilling rather than that time out becoming a worry session.

    Pleased you two had a good night together, you deserve many of them. Will pm you but you look after yourself and dont worry about letting me down at all. I know if i need you you are here for me.

    Love Sal xx

    Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    , , United Kingdom.
    Thanks Sal, I know you've got a lot on your plate and you're still here for all of us.

    A funny thing my son said today (he's four at the end of the month) he told his nan (my dreaded mother in law!!!) that, "my mom isn't coming to your house ever again because she doesn't like you!!!"Whoops!!! I told him to make sure he gets it right next time, that the reason I'm not going is cuz she doesn't like me!!!!! Out of the mouth's of babes.......

    You take good care of yourself and I'll speak to you soon, better tear myself away from the computer soon, or I'll be tired tomorrow and even more anxious.


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