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Thread: Zispin Mirtazapine SolTab & Anxiety / Panic

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    , , United Kingdom.

    Zispin Mirtazapine SolTab & Anxiety / Panic


    Ive been on Zispin Mirtazapine SolTab for a few months now.

    When I was first diagnosed with depression I started on Citalopram, and at this stage my anxiety / panic wasnt too bad, but they didnt do anything for my depression / sleeping.

    I was prescribed Zispin Mirtazapine SolTab and have been on them for a few months, starting with 2 tablets and now on to the full dosge of 3 whihc ive been on for a 3 months.

    My anxiety since being on these has worsened and im not sure if its just conicidence or if any one else has had this happen to them to?

    When i was on citalopram just before Xmas, I was able to go into town 2days in a row with my boyf and do all our xmas shopping, I couldnt dream of doing that now.... maybe it doesnt have anything to do with the meds, just wanted some input from anyone else on these?


    Tatty B xx

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.

    Sorry I can't help but meds never helped me so I gave them all up over 7 years ago.

    I hope someone else has experience of these ones that may be able to help.

    Meds don't help you go into town shopping they just relieve some symptoms - it is still you that managed to go to town and do it and you did well.

    Hope you feel better soon though.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi Nic,

    Yeah I know, what I meant was that at that point I wasnt even seeing my doctor for anxiety, it was just depression and I didnt think twice about going into town My anxiety just seems to have gotten worse on Mirtazapine.

    I have also recently found out I have cysts on my Thyroid which Im still waiting to see the consultant again to see what the next step is with treating or getting rid of them, But ive heard that this can also cause anxiety but im not sure .

    Tatty B xx

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    , , Canada.
    Hi Tatty,

    I was on 15 mg Mirtazapine for about 2 months and while everyone has different experiences, I'd say mine was mixed. Initially, it relieved the overwhelming sense of doom and gloom and gave me the confidence to start thinking this was a demon I could beat. The wheels in my head weren't spinning quite so fast and gradually became able to get involved in some of the activities I couldn't concentrate on before (reading and tv!) It certainly helped me to sleep...I'd always have the feeling though that the house could have blown up and I wouldn't have known it! I'd have a good couple of hours in the morning, but by afternoon was so lethargic I just wanted to lie on the couch. That would give me time to notice the physical symptoms, thus making my anxiety worse. Could that be what's happening to you? I quite literally just wanted to eat (healthy appetite on that stuff!) and sleep. After 6 weeks, the side effects started to outweigh the benefits and with my doctor's ok, I weaned off it.

    I've read quite often on this site that experimenting with different meds is often necessary to find the one that best suits you. Maybe it would be a good idea to discuss what you're feeling with you doc.

    If you want to chat more about it, please don't hesitate. Hope I was able to help a bit... take care,


  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2005
    , , Netherlands.
    This doesnt't do anything for panic. It only works for depression. I've heard this from many other people, so you better switch to a better one.

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