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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    , , United Kingdom.


    hi everyone,

    being an avid reader of all the topics,and posts,i cant help but notice,from what you say,that c.b.t in regard to phobias,and panic attacks,seems to be the way forward.

    but i have also noticed,that no one has ever explained the techniques,that you have learnt from your therapist,to cope,whilst waiting for your next session.

    ime sure it would benefit lots of people here,to learn from your experiences,just a thought...bryan.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.

    I had to do "simple" (ha ha) tasks between sessions like "going on a bus", "going shopping" etc. I also had to keep a daily diary of how much panic I felt on a scale of 1-10 and how long it lasted.

    I used to have really vivid dreams so I was asked to keep a dream diary too and write down all that I remember.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi Bryan,

    I too have had some CBT which I managed to get when I had free private health care through a previous job. However, I left that job so had to stop the treatment!! Anyway, I had to keep a diary also and rate my anxiety/panic attacks when they started. I then had to complete a table with regards to my symptoms and what my thoughts were in relation to the symptoms etc. I then had to change my thoughts and then re-rate my anxiety afterwards (hope this makes sense). I still have the reading material from these sessions if you want me to go into it in more detail. I dont really know if it worked for me as I never actually finished the treatment and cant really afford to pay for it myself. I have read the material since then and it is quite useful..but I find it the most difficult to try and change my thoughts.

    I do seem to have quite a lot of knowledge on panic attacks/anxiety etc but dont seem to be able to put any of it into practice!


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2003

    I'm in the middle of CBT and it is really about changing the way you think. Keeping a diary and rating your anxiety 1-10 before you do things and afterwards.
    Self help books teach you the same sort of things but I find i do things (wee challenges) before I go back to the therapist so i am one step forward


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    I have a list of things I don't want to do (from having a lift in somebodys car to going on holiday). I have to grade these in order of scariness, and then we have picked some.

    I have worked on doing a few tasks, keeping a diary, and repeating these tasks over and over, basically till I'm bloody bored to death with it. Then we go on to another thing, whilst still returning to the previous tasks.

    Also included in this is a series of breathing techniques. And also a very good booklet on how to cope with IBS, which I suffer from when stressed.

    I also have a couple of books, and I keep my own separate diary where I just jot down basic thoughts and feelings and keep a tick tally of how good my day has been. This is pretty much positive only, so that when I feel I'm slipping, I can look back and see all the things I have done!


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