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Thread: Did my son have a panic attack?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2005
    , , USA.

    Did my son have a panic attack?

    Hello all, I was hoping you might be able to help me! My 12 year old son had an incident at school the other day that I'm thinking might have been a panic attack. Unfortunately it escalated into a de-facto three-day suspension from school.

    I have no experience in panic or anxiety attacks, but after this happened I got myself onto the Internet, did a ton of research, figured out that might be it, and ended up here. J.C. was in math class, with the teacher reviewing for an upcoming test. He had already told me the previous week that math "is really stressing me out this quarter" and felt that he was falling behind. All of a sudden he said he started to feel weird: "angry and confused and sad." The teacher says he suddenly started laughing nervously and saying things like "Numbers ... all these numbers and facts coming at me." He started twisting and turning his neck and pulling at his cheek. (the cheek pulling he does sometimes when he gets stressed; the neck thing seems new to me.) At this point all the kids were looking at him, so the teacher took him out of the class. He couldn't determine the problem so he took J.C. to the guidance office.

    This is where it all went horribly wrong. My son's version of events is that the guidance counselor said to him something like "don't worry, help is on the way." He says that this made him really nervous and scared; he thought she meant that he was going to be taken away in an ambulance, and he voiced his terror like this: "I know what's going to happen now. You're going to call an ambulance and it's going to take me to a mental hospital for years and years; then when I come out I'm going to go crazy and kill people, right?" What the counselor reported is that J.C. said "I want to go into a mental hospital, and when I come out I'm going to kill everybody."

    I think this was around the time I was called and told only that my son was "in crisis" and that I had to come immediately. Fortunately I was very close to school and I probably got there in five minutes, though how I didn't crash the car I'll never know! By the time I got there J.C. was sitting quietly and looked absolutely normal, though a little pale. He was also talking and acting normal. I took him home and he was fine.

    Later I found the symptoms of panic attack on the Internet. WITHOUT PROMPTING HIM, I asked him what he was feeling in math class. He said, “Angry, confused and sad.” I said, “Okay, those were your emotions. Now tell me how your body felt.” He said he felt “twitchy,” he was breathing fast, and he kept moving his neck and rocking back and forth “because I was nervous.” I asked about pulling on his face and he said, “I do that when I get stressed.” He also stated that he felt “dizzy” and that “everything looked bigger” and “everything seemed funny” (peculiar, not comical). Then, in the only prompt I gave, I said, “Did you kind of feel like you were going crazy?” and he said, “Uh … yeah,” as if to say “isn’t that obvious?”

    Now one of his biggest fears is that his friends are going to think he's crazy. One of my biggest fears is that it's going to happen again and he won't know what to do.

    Do you think this sounds like a panic attack? If so, has anyone ever gone out of control like that during a panic attack -- saying bizarre things, not being able to stop yourself (that's what it felt like to him). And do you have any other suggestions for me?

    I'm planning to also consult an anxiety treatment center near where I live, but it takes a while to get an appointment and in the meantime I'm just a frantic mom.

    Thanks so much for any help you can offer ...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2004
    , , United Kingdom.
    hello Pat,

    We all have different symptoms when we have a panic attack. I do know that some people speak randomly though I don't do that myself. Dizziness and feeling like you're going crazy are two normal sensations that we get during a panic attack so this could mean that it very well could have been a panic attack. Seeing a doctor asap would be a good idea and in the meantime try not to worry too much as I'm sure it's nothing serious!! Let us know how you get on.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi Pat,

    It certainly does sound as though he was having a form of a panic attack.

    Reassurance to him is paramount and a visit to his teacher to tell him what had happened is also useful so they are not speculating.. Getting him back into the environment is crucial too with an nderstanding teacher and often a caveat that he can leave the room if he feels it building.

    These may help you all ..

    Beware of the centre handing out meds without any supportive help . CBT for kids is effective too.

    Worried No More: Help and Hope for Anxious Children
    by Aureen Pinto Wagner

    Cool Cats, Calm Kids : Relaxation and Stress Management for Young People
    by Mary L. Williams
    Reading level: Ages 9-12

    Today's children are stressed. They need learning tools that are fun, informative and memorable to help them cope. Cool Cats, Calm Kids is a practical yet humorous guide to stress management for children ages 7-12

    Don't Pop Your Cork on Mondays : The Children's Anti-Stress Book
    by Adolph J. Moser
    Reading level: Ages 9-12

    Book Description
    In this very informative and highly entertaining handbook for children, Dr. Adolph Moser offers practical approaches and effective techniques to help young people deal with stress.

    Helping Your Anxious Child: A Step-By-Step Guide for Parents by Ronald M. Rapee
    A Boy and a Bear: The Children's Relaxation Book by Lori Lite
    The Anxiety Cure for Kids : A Guide for Parents by Elizabeth DuPont Spencer


    Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
    Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi pat,

    when i had my first panic atack i was quite young and i know i was like that, infact i can remember hitting my head of the wall to make it go away, as i had no idea what was happening to me i felt like i was looking through someone elses eyes like i was not in my own body, it was like being extremely drunk,

    People at school will forget quick enough, I can just remember being so scared anddid not want to talk so its good that yr son can talk to u encourage that, the help you can get now is just brilliant,
    I so wish id had the help at an early age,

    Follow up on all the things Meg said, LOL she knows best x x x

    Anyway i do hope things work out, keep us informed wont you

    kairen x

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi Pat

    Thanks for the full story over your son. It must have been very scary for him and it does sound like a Panic Attack.

    Has he been able to go back to school since and how are things there for him?

    Hope we can be of some help to you both on here.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2005
    , , USA.
    Thanks all for your feedback so far. Wow! You guys are fast! On the one hand I feel relief that it seems like I know what we're dealing with ... on the other hand sad to feel that he's probably going to have to go through this again.

    He goes back to school tomorrow. They basically suspended him for three days, because he said the K-word: Kill. They don't care what the context was, they don't care that it was their incompetence in dealing with the issue that caused him to say it. This is the good old USA, where everybody who can walk can carry a weapon, after all, and every child who says the K-word for any reason is suspect. (Do I sound bitter? Nah!)

    So I am concerned about the reception from the other kids, because he's been away for three days. On the plus side: One of his friend's moms took him to a carnival on Friday night, and he saw several other classmates there, so kids have seen him out in society being normal! And also tomorrow, two people who unfortunately weren't at school the day the incident occurred will be there to greet him: The school psychologist, who knows and likes him, and the teacher who has him for something called organizational lab, a program offered to kids who have trouble organizing their time.

    I now see that this is a UK forum and most people here live in UK. (I did, myself, twice: In York for a while and in London (sydenham) for a while, with my then-boyfriend, a Brit) In the states we have something called an IEP for kids with issues - it stands for Individualized Education Plan. J.C. has been doing really well with everything this year, his first in what we call "middle school," for kids age about 12 to 14, and this, coming so close to the end of the school year, felt like such a big setback!

    I am SO RELIEVED to hear that the random talking CAN be a sign of panic attack, so thanks for that! I cannot wait to tell them at school ... if others can corroborate with personal stories of saying outlandish things that would be really wonderful, too! I think that terrified the school more than anything. They thought he was having a psychotic episode. I've seen people having psychotic episodes (I was a psych major in college) and they DON'T resolve in 10 minutes!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    , , United Kingdom.

    What sort of issues has he had before then ?


    Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
    Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi Pat,

    I am know expert on PA or anxieaty just a fellow suffer, and some one who had been dealing with a daughter who suffered PA anxiaty from the age of 3, she is now neary 12 and doing very well.
    My heart goes out to you Pat, it can be soooo hard to deal with this disorder. I never new what my daughter was going through until I suffered PA anxiaty last June and all that I tought my daughter went out of the window and I was at deaths door. It took this wonderful site to bring me back down to earth. I am alot better now.
    It dose sound like a PA to me, my daughter used to use funny words which at that time I could not understand, but now I know how she feels.
    Because she was sooo young she would scream words like,
    I feel unsafe Im scared help me. make it stop.
    I was told when my daughter was 6 yeas old that she had reflux acid, but by this time she was aslo suffering with PA and anxaty.
    Which came first the reflux or the PA anxiaty I will never know.
    What I do know Pat is that you can teach your son how to feel better,
    Learn as much as you can about PA anxiaty, and teach your son how to change his thoughts.
    My daughter today is alot better, she has a few bits, when she is feeling anxsouse about something a symptom of anxiaty will kick in and she knows now that she must change her thoughts , she knows that these symptoms will not harm her, and if she thinks happy thoughts they will go away. She is doing very well and I'm soooo proud of her[^]
    Please Pat keep positive, with alot of hard work support and time you son CAN learn how to feel better.
    If I can help in any way please let me know in a post or PM me.



  9. #9
    Join Date
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    , , USA.
    Thank you Jill - it's wonderful to hear a mom's perspective. Isn't it so awful to see them in pain and not be able to fix it?

    Kairen, what you describe sounds like what happened to JC. - the feeling of not knowing what was happening - feeling of looking through someone else's eyes and not being yourself ... I can't imagine how terrifying that would be for a child! How old were you when it first happened?

    I have a call in to the the Anxiety Disorders Clinic which is about five minutes away from me. (I didn't even know it existed before yesterday when I started googling!) They DO treat kids and the child psych. is going to call me back.

    Meantime JC went back to school this morning so I'm carrying my cell with me everywhere and I'm just on pins and needles ...

    It's so great to have the support of this site.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi Pat,

    I do hope yr son got on ok at school today, i cant remember exactly how old i was but i know i was at school,
    I was extremely scared in fact i thought i was going mad i never told a soul, but i remember even my voice not sounding like my own when i was talking, I think had i had someone to talk to i would have coped much better, so encourage your son to talk to you, try and give him loads of positive things to think about, talk about happy holidays and thing that will lighten his mood,

    The help that you can get these days is great especially for kids,
    and this site has been a blessing for me, i have learnt more about anxiety in these few months than in all the years i suffered with it,
    Thankfully at the moment i feel for the first time in a long time i feel like i am in control,

    pm me if you want to talk any more
    this is a great site and you will get loads of advice and support off

    good luck xx

    kairen x

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