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Thread: Just a Quick Question

  1. #1

    Just a Quick Question

    Hey Everyone,
    I was at work two weeks ago, when I had a series of symptoms and was taken to hospital. After telling the doctor all the symptoms he told me I had had a panic attack. I went back to work and the next day it happened again.
    I went to see my GP who got me to fill out a depression questionnaire. He then told me I had depression and that my panic attacks were the result of it. He prescribed me Citalopram and signed me off work for 2weeks.
    So my question is... Can you have depression without even knowing it. My supposed panic attack came from no where for no reason and I have never thought I was depressed. Is it normal to prescribe an anti depressant just on the back of a questionnaire? Its made me look into my life and actually made me feel depressed just knowing I have depression.. if that makes any sense!!
    Thanks for your help
    Kezzy xx

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Just a Quick Question

    This is an interesting one as I have been so low and depressed before and I really knew it.

    I went for a CBT referral 2 years ago and she wrote to my GP saying I was depressed and there is no way I was! I was just anxious.

    She insisted I went on meds and I refused as I was NOT depressed - just run down so you will know if you are or not - don't believe all they tell you!

    “Don't be afraid of death; be afraid of an unlived life. You don't have to live forever, you just have to live.” - Natalie Babbitt

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  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: Just a Quick Question

    erm this is a hard 1 as i 2 had questionaire few years ago and was told i was depressed but didnt feel depressed and was prescribed citalopram wich i have been takin 4 nearly 2 years ......i think u may have anxiety rather than depression they are totally diff things yet 2 years ago i was told i was depressed where i have actually got anxiety ..........i totally agre with Nic dont believe them if they say u have depression and u dont feel dpressed becus u wud know if u were depressed ,i would go back and ask about your symptoms with relation 2 anxiety ...and dont think about depression becus u would know if u had it .anxiety is treatable so go back 2 docs and tell them u want advise and help on anxiety xx

    big hugs 2 u xx
    Titch x

    I am always looking outside myself for strength and confidence ,but it comes from within .It's there all the time x

  4. #4

    Re: Just a Quick Question

    Ooh that's really interesting. I think I should go back to see him. I was going through a really stressful time.. promotion and home issues, so maybe thats whats caused them. I feel fine now and I put that down to the Citalopram but maybe it was because i've been able to rest for the last week. I dont know where to go to get a second opinion my GP is ancient!! How do you go about starting CBT?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    Re: Just a Quick Question

    Hi Kezzy

    where I live they use something called a HADS test. it asks lots of question eg do you still feel able to engage in social activities, are you still able to laugh... q's like that and then you rate them always often rarely or never. the responses determine a score. Mild depression, which i think is natural in everyones life cycle, is very different from clinical depression ( ive suffered and been diagnosed with both at different points throughout my life) which again is very different from anxiety and panic ( which ive also been diagnosed with lol) For me depression goes hand in hand with a creeping lethargy whereas anxiety and panic are more about being pumped up. When panic and anxiety become really debilitating it can result in depression. I would agree that two panic attacks does not neccessarily equate with depression though. What to do is ask the doctor what your actual score was. I scored 16/21 for depression and 19/21 for anxiety in my last test. These are pretty high scores and i'm on prozac and as required diazepam. You have a right to know what your scaore was and why you were put on the medication.

    Let us know how you get on

    Pooh x
    I've crossed lines of words and wire, and both have cut me deep. I've been frozen out and I've been on fire, and the tears are mine to weep. But I can cry until I laugh, or laugh until I cry. So cut the deck right in half, I'll play from either side.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Just a Quick Question

    Hi Kezzy

    Yes this is an interesting thread. For me hindsight is the best thing, I was depressed for some time before I realised that I had depression, and even after my diagnosis I still was in denial. I few years later though I can now accept that I had some classic symptoms of depression for a good while, without even giving depression a thought. I also had anxiety and panic, which seemed more prominent in the early days.

    I did the HADS questionairre with a CPN and came out with high scores for both anxiety and depression.

    Having said all that, I refused to take anti-depressants for a long while, and can relate to what nomorepanic says about when she really knew she was low and depressed before. I know I am depressed now, without a doubt. It is not just a shortlived feeling but ongoing.

    Does your GP want to see you again after 2 weeks? It can take that long for medication to kick in. You can only do what you feel is right for you, I hope that you have seen the last of your panic attacks, and that for you are ok.

    Take care,


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2007

    Re: Just a Quick Question

    I think some doctors prescribe antidepressants for to early to people going for symptoms that resemble depression. We all get depressed from time to time, it's a natural emotion, but going on antidepressants can make things much worse. The side effects alone can make you suffer from panic where you had no panic before. I'd say unless you feel really desperate, keep away from antidepressants and try and find other ways to feel better.


  8. #8

    Re: Just a Quick Question

    Hey this thread id really interesting. I went to my docs the other day with severe anxiety problems and he gave me citalopram, but I am not depressed either. I actually feel pretty happy (god knows why seening as my life is a complete nightmare at the mo lol). I have refused to take them cos anxiety disorders and depression are completely different things, I think perhaps your dr has jumped the gun a bit and would be wary of taking tablets you are not sure are right for you.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: Just a Quick Question

    hi just wanted 2 say Citalopram isnt just used 4 does help with anxiety and panic attacks and is a very common med 2 use for anxiety if the Dr has given u citalopram dont think its just for depression as It isnt xxxx
    I have been taking citalopram 4 my anxiety and panic and not depression and they help .......they arent the answer 2 my probs but they take the edge off my symptoms xxx

    I am always looking outside myself for strength and confidence ,but it comes from within .It's there all the time x

  10. #10

    Re: Just a Quick Question

    Ok so I have booked an appointment at work to see the GP and get a second opinion as I don't feel depressed. Im having a few side effects with the anti depressant like shaking insomnia sweating memory loss vertigo. I saw my own GP and told him that the medication is not working and is screwing up my sleep and he prescribed me diazepam but as it can be addictive its only for two weeks. I feel like im drugged up to my eye balls when I shouldnt be. I asked him about counselling or therapy and he told me that id be waiting forever on the nhs and said well lets see what the medication does first. Now surely I should be trying to avoid medication! It just does not feel right but if I cant trust the doctor what am I supposed to do...

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