I was called in for a medical examination a few weeks ago, as part of a review after claiming Incapacity Benefit for 6 months, and today I received the decision.

Apparently, I 'passed', scoring enough points to continue getting the IB, and with the bonus? of no longer having to get a sicknote from the doctor every month. At first I felt a relief at not having to grit my teeth and go through the ordeal of travelling to the GP surgery and sitting in a waiting room full of people... but then I started thinking... is that a good thing? At least I had a reason that forced me to make the effort to go out. I'm a bit worried now that I'll slide into letting the agoraphobia take hold more. But it was only once a month. I still have to get my prescription refilled, go to the local shop for groceries, etc. Hmmm... but that can all be done online.... Oooo-errr... I could be in danger of becoming a hermit.