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Thread: Going cold turkey

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Going cold turkey

    Does anybody have any experience of going cold turkey from their anti deprssant meds without tapering but just stopping them? I am getting myself into a real state as nobody replied to my question in the mirtazapine section so I have tried to make it a more general question. My psychiatrist wants me to stop mirtazxapine without any tapering. Just wonering what it was like for others and whether you experienced overwhelming panic and anxiety? This could be from any drug but preferably anti depressants. It's lonely out here!!!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Going cold turkey

    Hi there,I came off citalopram and I had to come off very slowly,I felt terrible when coming off them and that was at a slow pace.I dont know if its different with other meds,but I would say to come off them gradual.Your body has got to get used to being without them.
    Yorkylover xxx

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Re: Going cold turkey

    Going cold turkey from these meds is a stupid & dangerous thing to do.

    You MUST go to your GP and get a proper withdrawal program, slowly decreasing dosage over several weeks (even months).

    The opinions stated above are the personal opinions of the writer, and not intended to offend or denigrate any opinions held by anyone else.

    I think it's kinda funny, I think it's kinda sad,
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  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Re: Going cold turkey

    Well that is what a normal sane person would do. My psychiatrist has told me to do this. He is Consultant Psychiatrist and Medical Director at the Priory. I tried tapering earlier this year with disasterous consequences ie major panic and anxiety and had to go back on them at 30mg. I've read up that this can be done under a doctors supervision. He also tells me that 15mg is not a therapeutic dose ( but that is what he piut me on last year).

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Going cold turkey


    I'm finding this very hard to understand. NO antidepressant should be stopped abruptly. Even if 30mg is not a therapeutic dosage it makes no difference whatsoever. The fact is that this medication has been taken daily by you so therefore the brain expects it each day. The ole neurotransmitters will be doing their pieces if they don't get any at all.

    Also, even if 30mg is not therapeutic for you - it could be for someone else. This shrink needs a shrink!!!! And he's at the Priory!!!!! Gonna stop saving right now for my visit there lol. With Mirtazepine I thought the max dosage was 45mg (could be wrong) - so surely 30mg would be good for some people. We all react differently anyway.

    Please please phone NHS direct or anyone - the Maudsley Hospital whatever ... please get a second opinion.
    Colchester Essex

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Re: Going cold turkey

    Right hang on there. I'm on 15mg at the moment. A month ago I was on 30mg so I've gone down to 15mg but he still wants me to stop it dead. I've got some valium to use in an emergency. I know it sounds crazy but he will be there if I fail. I tried to come off by tapering and failed so maybe this will work. the mirtazapinme isn't the only med I'm on. I'm on lithium and prothiaden too. Thank you for your advice.

  7. #7

    Re: Going cold turkey

    Hi Elizabeth, I was originally taking citalopram 40mg and had been for many years but they didn't seem to be working as well so my dr told me to start taking Mirtazipine, BAD MISTAKE!!!, I had horrendous side effects from the mirtazipine (45mg) and really bad withdrawell from the citalopram. So he told me to take both together but reduce the citalopram over 2 weeks and then stop. The Mirtazipine was just awful, within 6 weeks I had put on a stone, I was bloated and had swollen hands that were so tight, so the doctor said to come off the Mirtazipine and try without tablets, but I had to do this over a period of time, reduce from 45mg to 30mg over 2 weeks, then 30mg to 15mg over 2 weeks and then down to 7.5mg. By doing this i didnt feel too bad and have now been off tablets for a couple of months, I lost all the weight I had put on and the bloating went. PLEASE do not just stop taking your tablets altogether as it could make you really ill. I am not sure how you have found Mirtazipine yourself but for me it was the worst thing I have ever taken.
    I am struggling without tablets and I am going back to the drs to discuss it but If I am honest I am looking for a medicine that stops all my anxiety and I don't think this actually exists, maybe I should try to accept the way I am, but living in fear all the time is the worst thing ever.
    I hope you are ok Elizabeth, please don't feel alone if you ever want to message me please do x

    Rebecca x

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Going cold turkey


    I have always weaned myself off antidressents slowly over months. I dont no anything about the drug you mentioned but the link below explains quite alot about the drug.

    Hope it helps

    "If you have a worry turn it into a problem, you cant solve worrys but you can solve problems"

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    Re: Going cold turkey

    Hi There
    I would not recommend stopping abruptly and I would like to see your pstchiatrist try. If you feel going cold turkey would work for you - try it - but in my experience which is- lots of withdrawal - i wouldnt recommend it

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Going cold turkey

    Hi Elizabeth

    Oh right so Prothiedin plus the mood stabiliser - I didn't realise that - alarm bells just went off in my head due to my own past experience of severe withdrawal syndrone.

    However, still have to agree with Rebecca above and still would take it down a bit slower even if it is only 15mg.

    Thing is, the shrink must know what he's doing, he's maybe weighed up the odds - taking into account you are on the other two and you can use the diazepam maybe you would be ok. You know the shrink and you know whether his past history of his care of you - you either trust him or you don't. If he is there to pick you up when/if you fall and you have good faith in him perhaps take his advice. I'm really not sure now.

    Take lots of care.
    Colchester Essex

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