Lately I've had big troubles getting out of bed to go to work. I don't have to get the kids ready or anything, so I only have to take care of myself.

I have 4 trains that I can take. They get me to work 5 mins early, 5 mins late, 30 mins late & 1 hr 15 mins late. I'm consistantly on the last 2 trains. If by chance I feel good in the morning I can get to the second train. This morning I had to force myself to get out of bed to take the 3rd train. I have to talk myself into moving and it usually takes a good 1/2 hr to an hour to do that. I find that I just don't care enough to get out of bed. I don't care if I'm late to work (my direct manager knows the situation).

I now find myself rushing for the train in the mornings and the nights and that starts the panic. It's a cycle that doesn't seem to end.

So my question, if it has an answer, is "how do you get out of bed when you don't really feel like it?"