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Thread: Just got back from the doctors - Shocked

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2008

    Just got back from the doctors - Shocked

    Hello, i had a midwife appointment booked for 1.30 today which i was excited about as due to a number of mess ups i had fallen out of the system and have only seen here once which was at 12 weeks. I am now 25 weeks pregnant. It was my chance to ask her loads of questions and also to get my lip checked out which has a white patch on. Well what happened next has left me in tears for 2 hours. I arrived and it wasnt my midwife which worried me but still i got on with it, she then proceeded to tell me that at 12 weeks they didnt take enough blood so i havent had all my important bloods done, she then tried to take some blood and couldnt get the vein, she took out the needle and i started to bleed out, she appologised as asked me to come back next week to see a blood lady who would do it properly. She then asked me to lie on the couch so she could feel my stomach and she really really hurt me and i was nearly in tears - I havent felt my baby move once since. She then said well sorry but theres not much else we can do so bye. I was in there for less than 10 mins. I spent the whole hour crying my eyes out, im now back at work and we have a lady here who used to be a nurse and she had a look at my arm - which is agony and said that the lady has blown my vein. I am in bits, im petrified theres something wrong with me that hasnt been picked up, im scared that my baby has been hurt because of how much she hurt me and my arm is agony. Im a mess

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: Just got back from the doctors - Shocked

    Hey tash, poor you. But first let me tell you that your baby will be fine. They're tougher than you know. I fell down the stairs when i was 6 months pregnant and injured my lower back which was agony for ages but the baby was fine. I know she might have hurt you, and thats prob because you were so tense, but honestly she wont have hurt the baby. He/she prob just got bored and went to sleep!

    I sympathise with you about the blood test, and what happened with the happens sometimes, but again even though its painful its nothing serious. When you go to see the blood lady who's probably a phlebotamist, just tell her how anxious you are and im sure she'll do a better job of it the next time. Your bloods are to test for anaemia amongst other things so needs to be done.

    Sorry you didnt get the answers you wanted about your mouth but i really think you're fine, and if its anything its probably only a sign that you might be deficient in something, which again the blood test will show, but nothing serious honestly.

    Take care
    Cathy xxx

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    , , USA.

    Re: Just got back from the doctors - Shocked


    If you were a bit dehydrated it would have made it difficult for her to draw blood. Next time be sure to drink a lot of water before they try to draw blood, I know this from personal experience. I've also had the vein thing happen to me and yes it does hurt but won't cause you any harm.

    As for hurting the baby, I do not think her feeling around could cause any damage. If you are tense the baby knows it and you won't feel him/her. For the sake of your baby and yourself you need to try and relax. Do some deep breathing and roll your shoulders and think calming thoughts.

    Next week when you see the nurse who will be drawing blood will you also be seeing your doctor? Aren't you seen once a month by your doctor?

    Laura xxx

    Laura xxx

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2007

    Re: Just got back from the doctors - Shocked


    I'd agree with the others too, that there has been no harm to your baby, and that you were feeling tense at the time of the examination, (this used to happen to me too) and as hard as it seems I do hope that you can put your mind at ease with this.

    Maybe take a long relaxing bath when you're home from work, I used to do this quite often when I worried about my babies lack of movements. I remember that the baths used to help my stomach relax and whilst lying down, it would usually kick start the baby's movements.

    Sorry to hear the blood's didn't work, I will agree that some nurses can be quite harsh and this used to upset me too, still does from time to time. It's not fair especially when being pregnant and feeling vulnerable.

    I hope you feel much better soon.

    Take care of yourself, and sending hugs to you x

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Re: Just got back from the doctors - Shocked

    You are fine im sure, if you are concerned about your or your baby ring your community midwife team and ask someone to come and see you or see your GP but I am sure all is fine.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    Re: Just got back from the doctors - Shocked

    Hi tash

    You were treated really badly and should complain if you feel up to it. I would also try and see your gp as soon as you can just so that they can put your mind at rest. My daughter had a baby in august after a very difficult pregnancy. Most of the staff looking after her during her pregnancy were great but one midwife in particular was awful. My daughter refused to see her and wouldn't let her touch her after she hurt her during an examination.

    Did she listen to the babys heartbeat. I would definately try and see someone else soon as a week is a long time when you are worried. You should also complain about them missing the blood tests and the general lack of care. I know mistakes can happen but that isn't your fault and you need and deserve some reassurance. If you are not up to making a fuss can you take your husband/partner or mum/sister/friend with you it can make a huge difference.

    Good luck with the rest of your pregnancy I hope you soon have a beautiful baby to cuddle.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2007

    Re: Just got back from the doctors - Shocked


    What happened was bang out of order! Seriously, I would call and make noise. You are a pregnant mother who sufferes from anxiety and if they don't help you out you are going to be left feeling worse. Please don't just accept it call them and make sure you can see someone properly!!

    Your baby is probably fine but that is not the point, I have never had a 10 minute session with a midwife and you should recieve better treatment because of the condition you are in. I was made very upset throughout my pregnancy which left me with a very bad experiance and I wish I had put it right when I have the opertunity. You pay your taxes demand a better service.

    I am really sorry to hear about the visit, it is sad that in such a special uncertain time you need reassurance and help and some idiot just ruines it for you.

    Take care,
    Sometimes the appropriate response to reality is to go insane.
    - Philip K. Dick

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2008

    Re: Just got back from the doctors - Shocked

    Hi Everyone, thanks for you emails. Not feeling quite an emotional today. I phoned my doctor last night who is dealing with my anxiety and explained what happened yesterday he wants to me go and see him today at 11 to talk him through it and look at my arm. Feeling scared as i always do before the doctor just in case when he looks at my lip he says its cancer but least when he tells me i am fine i will have a good weekend. I am also paying to go private for my midwife appointments and scans now, i have an hour long appointment on Tuesday so they will be able to answer all my questions. I am still very sad that i feel i have to go private but right now its about making sure my baby is ok


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2008

    Re: Just got back from the doctors - Shocked

    Hi tash, that's good news, you sound very positive . I'm sure you lip will be absolutely fine, the doc will be able to put your mind at ease. Let us know how you get on, chuck.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: Just got back from the doctors - Shocked

    Poor poor you. I just googled mouth cancer for you (a crime, I know, for those of us with HA!!), but you'll be pleased to hear that it is virtually non-existent in people of your age group (indeed it is extremely rare in anyone under 50, and is much more common in men). As I well know health anxiety does such strange things to the brain, and I'm sure, as the doctor will probably tell you, your mouth thing is not cancer!! (though, yet again, I do relate to you loads: I've also had a panic about mouth cancer. I found a white patch on my gum, which was not an ulcer, and raced to the dentist in a panic, who said: "oh yeah. that's just normal variation in gum tone.").
    And your baby will be fine too. Just be nice to yourself, take warm baths and watch rubbish TV, and tell yourself again and again "I am young and healthy", because you are!!

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