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Thread: All kinds of Everything....

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    All kinds of Everything....

    ....remind me of panic.
    As I browsed the forums tonight, reading about situations that have made people panic (babysitting, driving, 3am awakenings) I tried to think of some of the more ridiculous ones I've personally suffered. In no particular order:
    A hot bath (I just couldn't get into it)
    A scone
    The Van Gogh Museum
    Public toilets
    The Humber Bridge
    The River Clyde
    An inability to even look at the Eifel Tower
    A mime artist
    The top of a Helter Skelter (it was a bit wobbly, mind)
    Maybe if I listed them all, I'd find a theme. There's a good chance it might be "fear". Free floating anxiety. Don't you just love it?


  2. #2
    Join Date
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    I once freaked out completely on a "cycle rail" (same as a mono rail, but you pedal yourself around), at a childrens amusement park, 9ft in the air.

    Fortunately the eight year old I was with has more sense in her little finger than I've ever had in my life, and talked me through it!!!!!

    We pedalled as fast as we could whilst she repeated after me, nearly there now, keep looking straight ahead, almost made it back, only a minute left, keep looking to the front.

    We even managed a "good deed" up there as the old bloke in front had taken his grand daughter on, who was too small to reach the pedals. Half way round he went bright red, ran out of puff and was progressing at 0.2 miles per day.

    Of course this freaked me out even more, because you can't overtake on a mono rail, so we ended up pushing him back!!!!

    Moral - I never going to waste me money going to Alton Towers, and always carry a small child with you for times of crisis!!!!!


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    I can think of 3 off hand

    A book
    A banana
    a bar of toblerone

    i won't go into the reasons(as they are crazy)


  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Reminds me of a time I totally lost it at my husbands Soccer game. He plays league soccer, I totally lost it, went into full blown attack mode and ran out into the middle of the field whilst a play was in progress, and screamed franticly for my husband to come off of the field and leave with me right then and there or I was going to leave him there. Now remember I was in full blown attack mode, yet I was ready to drive myself out of there ASAP!!! I can laugh now, but talk about people "NOT" noticing when you are having an attack!!!! LOL....

    Diana xxxx

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    , , United Kingdom.

    That brought a smile to my face - what a sight it must have been - lol


  6. #6
    Join Date
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    , , USA.

    You are right, It was a sight indeed!!! Luckily though my husband did come off of the field and left, we got maybe a mile up the road, I suddenly felt fine , but was famished. Insisted on eating at a nearby resteraunt, we did then believe it or not I was fine!!!! GO figure ey!!!! LOL........ Not so amusing to my husband though, but oh well atleast I survived!!!! LOL.....

    Diana xxx

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi all

    I have just came back from the cinema was good as Colin Farrell was in it 'SWAT' but throughout the whole film I could feel and hear my heart beating soo fast. I always feel quite anxious in the cinema because its dark and noisy and I worry about having to leave quickly.. what if i cant get out, what if i fall down an aisle etc etc etc.

    Never mind, I survived again without falling over or whatever and my heart seems to be back to normal...maybe it was just Colin Farrell that was making it palpitate!!

    Speak to you all soon.


  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Hiya Sadie,

    Is`nt it always the "WHAT IF`S" that get us the most? I hate that, but I too "WHAT IF" my self to disaster!!!! Good for you, you survived, and even got to see a good movie on top of that. So you are ahead of the game. Hey and Colin Farrell is`nt to bad on the eye either LOL....... I know what you mean about the palpitations over Colin. WOW what a cutie!!!! Thanks for posting to let us know of yet another success story.

    Take care,

    Diana xxx

  9. #9
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    The cinema has always been a bit of a trial for me, ever since I went to see Das Boot in the first stages of my anxiety. The film was pretty claustrophobic anyway (about a German U-boat) and I had to leave at one point to take a breather I was so uncomfortable. It's the loud films that usually get me - Jurassic Park was almost unbearable with all that roaring and stomping about. Like loads of other things that make me anxious, however, I refuse to let the anxiety get in the way of going to the flicks, because it's something that I actually quite enjoy every now and again.


  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Good for you Jim

    I gave up going to the cinema many years ago cos of the feelings of claustrophobia. I recently went to the theatre and after 30 mins of anxiety I was fine. I am sure I could do the cinema again if I tried.


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