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Thread: Poetry Please

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    , , .

    Poetry Please

    Sometimes, when my mind is accelerating down the anxiety slope, I find that mentally reciting poetry can provide an alternative, soothing focus. Here's one of my favourites by Philip Larkin....


    What are days for?
    Days are where we live.
    They come, they wake us
    Time and time over.
    They are to be happy in:
    Where can we live but days?

    Ah, solving that question
    Brings the priest and the doctor
    In their long coats
    Running over the fields.

    -- Philip Larkin


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    Can we write our own anxiety poems!


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    this poem always sticks in my mind for some reason and always puts a smile on my face...

    I must go down to the sea again
    The lonely sea and sky
    I left my vest and pants there
    I wonder if there dry

    By Spike Milligan


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    yesterday is history,
    tomorrow is a mystery,
    today is a gift,
    thats why its called,
    the present.


  5. #5
    Join Date
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    "When I am sad and weary,
    When I think all hope has gone,
    When I walk along High Holborn
    I think of you with nothing on"

    Adrian Mitchell 1932 -

    Perhaps this could be a good anxiety reduction technique [}] haha

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    benoo5/bryan....great poem and very true.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    Here's one I wrote the other night when I couldn't sleep.

    One thirty-4 AM

    My mind and my body lead each other astray,
    Up the garden path
    They wind each other up.
    As one tires, the other awakes
    Refreshed and alert.
    They prod and poke each other like children
    Trying to keep one another awake.
    If the physical relents and succumbs to relaxation,
    The consciousness whispers and chatters,
    Mercilessly tormenting with tales of missed opportunities.
    As slumber seduces my spirit,
    A prick of pain whip cracks its way to attention.
    These slapstick antics gain metronomic momentum 'till they're
    Expertly dancing the foxtrot in my chest
    And I'm grinding my teeth to its rhythm.


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi Pretty

    A poet in the making eh?

    Nice one


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    , , .
    Good poem! I hope it took your mind off those horrible night panics.


  10. #10

    Re: Poetry Please

    Hi guys, here are a couple of my poems - please feel free to comment and to check out my web page if you want to read more

    It's Dark

    by ~just-jax

    Distorted. Twisting sheets of sound.
    Past mistakes and doubts arisen.
    Barriers of fear and pain
    Create the formless, timeless prison.

    No physical escape exists,
    No safety catch or quick-release.
    Through dark and winding consciousness -
    A search for fabled inner peace.

    Across the vastest, deepest space
    The echoes of such things that pass.
    Despair, like rain, falls on lost shores
    Of tideless tears as still as glass.

    No lock or key creates this hold.
    No mans hands have placed the chains,
    Yet neon lights won't chase the shade,
    It's dark. It's dark and it remains.

    Writing On A Painters Canvas

    by ~just-jax

    I want to paint a picture
    Of the things inside my soul.
    Of the thoughts and of the feelings,
    Little parts that make me whole.
    To show you all the colours
    And the sounds to make it real,
    To put my life on canvas
    So you might see how I feel.
    Diagrams and patterns of
    The tempest that's my brain;
    To visually lay out for you
    The laughter; love and pain.
    To hang up in a gallery
    For you, the world, as art -
    The passions; fears and turbulence
    That rage inside my heart.
    The frustrations and the sadness,
    the excitement and the joy.
    The castles I built in the clouds
    And watched myself destroy.
    A drawing of the world within -
    The dark parts and the light,
    The chaos and the calmness
    That runs through my head at night.
    To tip the balance slightly
    So you'd see, instead of read,
    The things I hate; the man I love;
    the gain; the loss; the need.
    I'd like to illustrate my points,
    To show you what's inside.
    To colour in or pencil out
    The faith; the shame; the pride.
    I want to paint a picture
    Of the things inside my head,
    It's just.. I'm not an artist..
    So I wrote these words instead.

    Paradoxically Her

    by ~just-jax

    There is no first line.
    There is no rhyme.
    There is "No".

    Passing through me like smoke.
    Surrounding me like white noise.

    Beautiful yet painful as the sound of breaking glass,
    Still these things that come to pass,
    They go.

    There is no structure.
    There is no lesson.
    There is "No".

    Are these footprints that I walk in yours?
    Is the path I have beaten thus far my own?
    It is known.

    There is no last line.
    There is no message.
    There is "No".

    ~ Thanks for reading.

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