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Thread: Headaches

  1. #81

    Exclamation Re: Headaches


    Ive been pretty stressed and anxious recently lots of changes in my job has sent me into a pretty much daily panic attack cycle.

    Yesterday I suddenly got this terrible headache at the back of my head and just above my ears. Took some ibuprofen and it didn't touch it so I went to bed and slept fine all night. I have woken up today still with the headache its not quite as bad but its still not very good.

    I can't take paracetamol as I'm allergic so just wondering if anyone has had any success with any other remedies?

    Any help welcome as I work on a PC so I'm struggling right now.

  2. #82

    Unhappy Re: Headaches

    Hi there. I'm getting worried here. I've been getting headaches now for the last 3weeks each day but not the whole day,it comes and goes. Sometimes its really bad that I'm like a zombie and then there's times that its light but its several times a day more than just once or twice. Yesterday I took some painkillers but it doesn't help. My shoulders actually get stiff now the last 5 or 6days and I get iretated fast the last 3days due to the headaches with my 7yr old son. And then also the last week I wake up with a bad backache but after 3hours it goes away. I do drink a lot of purified water and eat mostly 2times a day. Lost 28kg in a years time now and I don't pick up weight wich is a good sign I'm weighing 83kg now. Need help with advice for headaches A.S.A.P please please and thank you.

  3. #83

    Re: Headaches

    Been a migraine sufferer for years now, get one a week usually. I wonder if the anxiety caused the migraines initially or vice versa.

  4. #84
    Join Date
    Oct 2012

    Re: Headaches

    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan-smith View Post
    Hi everyone,

    My name is Ryan Smith. I am 29 and am married to my beautiful wife Janine. I have been a carer for my wife over the past 5 years since she developed severe generalised anxiety disorder. We have worked hard together and have come up with many coping strategies.

    During this period we have had our ups and downs like everybody, some days can be a lot more tough than others. I have always thought that support for us can be difficult. With the busyness of the NHS appointments with doctors and counsellors can be very hard to come by.

    Many times myself and more importantly my wife want to speak to a professional. At the very least for reassurance. Hence I began thinking, what if there was a way to be able to call or see a doctor in our home who knows our story from home, what if we could call a counsellor when we needed one. I would happily pay for them if there was a service available.

    Looking at my options, I found that nhs was not available and private GPs/psychiatrists/counsellors were just far too expensive. But why? Why can't we have a simple phone service in a world where everything is now available almost instantly at home and prices are getting cheaper and cheaper.

    After many months of failed search I finally decided 2 years ago, that I would set one up myself. Thankfully, after many phone calls, emails, letters and meetings I have together with a lovely hardworking team helped set up a service to meet our needs.
    We call the service DBL Carefree - to inspire to be carefree about our anxieties with the help of complete reassurance and advice from experts. We have obtained expert doctors, counsellors, specialists that are available instantly (no waiting times for appointments) all available by phone and video calls. The service can even provide home delivery of prescriptions. We have worked hard to formulate a complete package with many healthcare discounts and benefits to go together with what we strongly believe is going to be an incredible service.

    I want people to be able to take advantage of this service as it will bring incredible benefit. So I have arranged for 2000 free/discounted memberships to be released. Please let people know about this service so people can take advantage of something which will make life a lot easier.

    Please visit our facebook page DBL Pocket doctor 24/7, like it to keep in touch with developments and share it to family and friends. From there you can enter our competition to be one of the 2000 guys to get a free/discounted membership

    Much love


    4 New threads and this all saying the same thing. Admin kindly delete

  5. #85

    Re: Headaches

    I have been suffering from headaches for about a week. I have been driving myself crazy thinking I am having an aneurysm. I am trying to stay away from WEBMD but I keep finding myself googling. Any advice on how to ease this anxiety?

  6. #86

    Re: Headaches

    Hi everyone, I've always been prone to headaches as well as the odd migraine however since starting on fluoxetine they have been an almost daily occurrence. I really don't think I can take much more of it.

    I seen my doc last week who believes it's just a side effect and prescribed me amitriptyline to take alongside my fluoxetine because the fluoxetine has worked so well for everything else. I started the amitriptyline last night after having to go home from work early with a really severe headache which has continued on to today. I'm taking cocodomal which is barely helping it. Feeling miserable,
    Just came off the phone to a really snooty pharmacist who I called to ask about tramadol as my mum had given me some she had in house in case the headaches got really bad but both leaflets say there can be an interaction so I wanted to check .... She was more concerned that the tramadol hadn't been prescribed to me, I understand this is an issue and it's not what you're supposed to do but when you're in serious pain of course you're gonna take anything available, she advised me not to take them.

    Anyway guess I just needed a little rant and came on for some reassurance and support. 💜

  7. #87
    Join Date
    Feb 2012

    Re: Headaches

    In June I had a headache in the back of my head for 3 days it really worried me.I would take a painkiller the pain would subside for a few hours then return.
    After a few days it went the pain was only in the back of my head.I went and saw my GP she said migraines are only in the front of the head and effects the eyes.I haven't had the headache since June but had a reoccurrence yesterday and today. Any advice please ☺

  8. #88

    Re: Headaches

    Hi folks, I'm new here. Be gentle, please. lol

    I'm Ian, I'm 38, and live in Western Canada.

    For most of my life I've suffered depression and anxiety/panic. In 2008, I was formally diagnosed with GAD and put on Cymbalta (60mg) once a day. Since then, I've been on and off various medications, most good, some not, one horrible experience with Brintellix (or Trintellix as it's marketed here in Canada).

    Currently I'm on 150mg Wellbutrin XL (brand name) once a day. It's my second go-round with it. The first time (in 2013) it worked well, but I noticed a decline in my kidney function (I'm a transplant recipient) so I took myself off it. Between then and now I was on Effexor (37.5mg) along with Modafinil.

    I had a massive breakdown October 1st, after about nine months of being without antidepressants at all (with the help of a FANTASTIC counsellor). Woke up, couldn't speak without crying. Had to call off work and I've been off ever since. That day, I went to my doc and asked him to put me back on Wellbutrin. It's been..okay (the brand name is superior to the generic, FYI heh), however, the one thing I noticed that's different between this experience on it and when I was on it last time is that I'm getting headaches from it now that I never got when I was on it previously. They're, quite frankly, scaring the hell out of me. They're not "Worst Headache Of Life", but the way my anxiety works is that I can't help but anticipate one that WILL be, and I won't recognize it in time and it'll be too late. I have a deep fear of dying suddenly.

    If this is the wrong forum, feel free to slap my wrist or whatever , but has anyone had similar experiences? I swear, if you do a search through my Chrome history, you'll find twenty different searches for "Wellbutrin Aneurysm" or "Symptoms of Aneurysm". I notice one pupil is slightly larger than the other, but again, that could just be my mind playing tricks on me.

    I'm not sure if I'm looking for answers or just need to vent my fear. It's caused me to cry more often than not lately, and that's not good for a 38 year old male..heh.

    Thanks for reading, at the very least.

  9. #89
    Join Date
    Feb 2014

    Re: Headaches

    No one will slap your wrists because we have all been there .

    But you said it yourself it's a fear !!, you sound in the depths of Anxiety and the more you feed the fear the more your body reacts .

    Okay get you completly. two reasons and i do hope both will help you shed some light on how bad Anxiety can feed our fear .

    Okay in 2012 my 50 fit athletic built Brother died of a blood clot on his brain ! Now trust me he didn't have time to be conversing with anyone Hun .

    Okay I was there when he died and for months after I was convinced I would die like he did , every head pain and I get a lot with my anxiety I truly thought this is it I am a going to die .
    2015 and I am still here . I have cluster headaches due to stress and I always think I am dying ,
    I would put my house on it your not .

    Okay next example of the hell anxiety plays with our body's a few months ago I was having major vision issues and I was terrified convinced I was going blind ( I have a hearing problem ) and I also teach lIpreading so my eyes are always on red alert .

    I came on here one night and I was just beside myself and I saw a post from someone was more or less describing my symtoms and I spoke to him thinking no way this can't be right .

    He told me what he was going through and it was a perfect match to mine .

    Now I am not saying we both don't still worry and but when it happens knowing we are both in the same boat is so so good .

    He is very specail to me now and yeah on the bad nights when my vision is going crazy I turn to him because he knows what I am seeing .( hope that makes sense ) .

    So there is prove of what Anxiety can do .

    I did both I vented my fear and looked for answers and no one judged me in fact you will see much venting on here and no judging .

    I found my answer on here and now we keep each other calm .

    Vent away Ian .

    ---------- Post added at 01:53 ---------- Previous post was at 01:51 ----------

    Sorry if that's not much help .

  10. #90
    Join Date
    Sep 2015

    Re: Headaches

    Thank you. That info is so helpful. I notice that a lot of us immediately think 'brain tumor ' whenever we get a headache. And of course the anxiety then causes more headaches.....and away we go with Dr Google, developing all the symptoms and more besides.....
    General Anxiety, Health Anxiety and Panic Disorder for over 25 years. South Africa

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