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Thread: Fear of eating in public

  1. #11

    Re: Fear of eating in public

    I have this issue as well. I have no problem eating in front of my family, fiance, or close friends and I'm not more anxious eating in front of guys, but it's people I don't know...even if they're eating too! It's a huge problem at work and school and I'll go to great lengths to not eat in front of people. It's pretty awful.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: Fear of eating in public

    this type of anxiety or phobia can be crippling but i think some of you sound stronger than you might give yourselves credit for. well done folks.
    i have the same problem and prefer to eat alone at the moment but this is down to the ongoing swallowing problem so i think people will look at me or watch me as I struggle through even a small plate of food as i am very slow - a close friend told me not to get so obsessed with what other people may or may not think and if i am slow at eating i am slow at eating and theres nothing i can do to change that. he is right but after 30+ years its a hard habit to break and for a grown man its quite embarassing as id love to not have the problem and tuck into steak and chips with some friends and clean my plate at roughly the same time as everyone else. its worse if women are eating something larger or chewier or dryer than what i have ordered and they still finish before me. men usually polish their food off pronto dont they? women even joke "never trust a man who doesnt like his food". i love food i just cant get in down normally.....

    in the past when ive really had no other choice but to join people to eat ie; the dreaded xmas party or some other work related social event ive got to the point where as i am lifting a fork of food to my mouth that hand starts to get the shakes as the forl is raised and brought to my mouth. i feel guilty too when you see other people on the TV like comic relief or children in need where they really know the meaning of suffering and hate myself for being such a p*ssy about this.
    i do tend to enjoy myself once the plates have been collected and its drinks for the rest of the evening.

  3. #13

    Re: Fear of eating in public

    Quote Originally Posted by Keep going View Post
    Hi, over the past year or so, i have made great progress in my overcoming SA. At the moment i have great trouble in eating with friends and in public places. So much so, that i dont eat with friends or in public anymore. Anyone else suffer from this?? Or even overcome this?? I would love to know your story??
    Hello,I feel in the same way.This is horrible.When I go with friends in pubs,I geeting sweat and tremble. I want solve this problem,but I don't know how

  4. #14
    Join Date
    May 2012

    Re: Fear of eating in public

    yes i also have this i hate eating in public i never used to be like this but my anxiety has made me like that and i hate it

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Sep 2012

    Re: Fear of eating in public

    Yeah, I also hate eating when I'm out. Especially when I was at college. I just don't like the thought of people staring at me while I eat, it makes me extremely uncomfortable. If I do eat out, I eat very slowly and politely, but at home.... That's a completely different story.
    Last edited by Rls1994; 05-12-12 at 22:22.
    I'm a ginger jedi!

    .....and a ninja.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Dec 2010

    Re: Fear of eating in public

    I suffer with food anxiety and hate eating out, i get this gagging sensation and can't physically eat. its horrible.


  7. #17
    Join Date
    May 2013

    Re: Fear of eating in public

    I know this is an old post but was just wondering how you all cope with Christmas time?
    I even have problems eating with some of my family and especially hubbys family!!

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Feb 2011

    Re: Fear of eating in public

    Hi all,
    I know all about this one. It was my main anxiety.
    I used to be so nervous about eating a meal out that I would feel nauseous an be frightened that I would not be able to eat at all.
    I got over this fear by having a brandy on arrival which calmed me down and I was then able to eat. Of course this became unnecessary after a while as I started to get less anxious. I also then learned that people don't really care about whether I eat my meal or leave it.
    However, I am back suffering anxiety at the moment, and memory is playing its tricks so I am worrying about Christmas Day and sitting with everyone with a huge meal in front if me.

  9. #19
    Join Date
    May 2013

    Re: Fear of eating in public

    Hi Phil. Have a brandy before your Christmas dinner, or might it not work now?
    Well I have just survived a roast at the in-laws, looking back you wonder what all the fuss was about, I did have a glass of wine before which I think helped! I haven't had a 'drink' for a few months and it went straight to my head!
    I don't want drink to be the answer to my problem but I think it will be a short term solution this Xmas!!

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Re: Fear of eating in public

    I don't remember if I have mentioned about eating in front of anyone before, so sorry if I am repeating myself.
    I am a slow eater, and it is because I am frightened of choking.
    The only trouble is I am always the one that is last finishing the meal if I am with company. I begin to panic and sweat, so I leave some of the food -which,if I was at home it would be all right.
    Understand you completely Phil.Good Luck to all

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