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Thread: propanalol not working!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2009

    Unhappy propanalol not working!!

    i was given propanalol about a month ago - 40mg up to 3x a day (starting with just morning, if that didn't work, 2x a day, if that didn't work 3x) I started with just in the morning, and for about 10 days felt brilliant! no dizziness at all, which i had previously been having all day every day. No wierd thoughts, no panic attacks.

    After those 10 days, i had about a week of feeling abit dizzy when i was at work. Then that went away again for about another week.

    I'm now taking it 3x,even still the last week has been awful! Have been feeling panicky, getting steadily worse all week, wierd thoughts, hypoventiliting almost constantly, and had 2 massive panic attacks! Feel like giving up. Just had a panic attack about ten minutes ago because i was eating a chinese! I know it's my fear of being sick, but it's the bl*ody anxiety that's making me feel sick all the time!

    Sorry just needed to have a rant!

  2. #2

    Re: propanalol not working!!

    Im taking propanalol 160mg Modified realease, they helped with the temours and palpatations but otherwise Im also feeling the same, returned to GP after 4 weeks and he started me on citalopram 10mgs 2 days ago,

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2009

    Re: propanalol not working!!

    Tou'll have to let me know how it goes. Not sure what citalopram helps with? I'll be going back to see my GP soon.

    Agree, ok it stops my heart going twenty to the dozen, but everything else is still there!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Re: propanalol not working!!

    Citalopram are way more effective for anxiety than Propranalol. Propranalol are betablockers, designed to lower your blood pressure and stop palpitations etc. Citalopram are Selective Serotonin Reuptake inhibitors and designed to balance the seratonin levels in your brain to stop anxiety/depression. Beta blockers are not good for longterm use. One treats the symptom, the latter, the cause x

  5. #5

    Re: propanalol not working!!

    Hello again, day 5 into citalopram 10mgs a slight metal taste on day 1 and my jaw is very tense at time but otherwise Im actually feeling alot better, Im husband and Kids have notice a differance with my youngest stating "mummy your laughing" which really upset me.

    shall keep you updated.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2008

    Re: propanalol not working!!

    Doc said people use it all the time when they have stage fright etc. Less chances of side effects being on prop he told me

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2009

    Re: propanalol not working!!

    Will see if i can get some ot of my doctor when im there on monday. Its got really bad the last week or so!

    Glad it's helping you! x

  8. #8

    Re: propanalol not working!!

    Did you manage to get hold of the Citalopram easily? Because I'm on Propranolol for PAs and I was made to take a depression test and scored highly, and am being referred to a Psychiatrist because the doc "Can't perscribe me anti depressants".

    I found my Proporanolol (was on one, went up to three then back to two) does barely anything. I don't get the physical stuff, but my mind is still tearing itself in two with fear.

    NHS for the win or for the loss?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2009

    Re: propanalol not working!!


    I was at the doc's today, and got put on citalopram, 10mg to start off with. (although i havn't actually got it yet because they were running so late the pharmacy was shut by the time i got out!!)

    I was going to suggest it if he didn't, but he said i should try it because the propanalol 'wasn't helping with my emotional symptoms'.

    I'm staying on the propanalol (40 - 120mg) aswell, because it does help with my palpatations which stop me relaxing in the evenings, but as for the general anxiety, they don't help at all!

    I can't see why your doctor wouldn't give them to you, or send you to a psychiatrist so soon?

    I didn't have to take any test either.

    Hope it keeps on working for you rachael!

  10. #10

    Re: propanalol not working!!

    Citalopram 10mgs now for two weeks and for the last 2 day no propanolol, im feeling so much better still not keen on busy places or driving feel a bit anxious then, but work good, enjoying a yoga class and went running for the first time in ages this morning. hope your feeling better as they start to work for you also.

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