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Thread: Preventing Cervical Cancer & What you should know

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Jun 2010

    Re: Preventing Cervical Cancer & What you should know

    i think it is disgusting, i was offered a smear with my STI test and they found pre cancerous cells at CIN1 (I am 19.) This may be as they claim, just normal changing cells but what if it wasn't? By the time I would get a smear at 25 I could be dead.
    I don't understand why they won't lower it.. one nurse said to me because it is such a small percentage of woman who get cervical cancer under 25 it is not worth the financial strain?!? and that it would cause a lot of worry in under 25's if they got abnormal results and it was just cell changes. disgusting. of course it is worth it.
    another nurse said to me that it takes about 6 years for cervical cancer to develop that is why the age is 25 because the mean age you first have sex is 18... some of my friends first became sexually active at 13!

  2. #32

    Re: Preventing Cervical Cancer & What you should know

    this isn't very helpful at all.. i have apparently this HP virus, and have had abnormal cells twice and it has gone away again by itself, but i'm worried sick that one day they might not. I'm constantly worried about my health anyway, and reading how women just get cervical cancer jus tlike that in seemingly no time is really scary..i just about managed to forget about it for a bit but reading this has brought it all back.. :-(

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Preventing Cervical Cancer & What you should know

    Tiny - it is the official info on it.

    Why did you read it if you knew it would trigger you off?

    People need to know the facts so they can be aware of it and act early.

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  4. #34

    Re: Preventing Cervical Cancer & What you should know

    hi, i had a constant worry about cervical cancer, was convinced i had it, it took me 8 years to pluck up the courage to have a smear test, i was convinced it would come back telling me bad news. After all the worry it came back with no abnormalities which was great. But i know all too well how hard it is to take the step to have the test done. Despite my relief that it came back ok i have just moved onto another health worry, it seems i cannot break the health worries cycle.

  5. #35
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    Re: Preventing Cervical Cancer & What you should know

    i just read a few posts about people who know/knew people who had cervical cancer and have died.... and am now, worrying... i had a smear test last year and im now tempted to have another smear test.... from reading this to have a nose at info etc... ive no worried myself silly :-(

  6. #36
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: Preventing Cervical Cancer & What you should know

    I have never suffered from HA but recently a very good friend of mine passed away and now I am worried that I may have Cervical Ca.

    The problem she had was a the top end of her body (trying to be subtle) and nothing to do with her nether regions but I am really anxious.

    I am due to go for a smear this morning the first in many years (yes I know).

    Because of the way I feel I have upped my Cipralex again (I had gone down to 5mg).

    I think the stress of my friends illness and demise started me off again.

  7. #37

    Re: Preventing Cervical Cancer & What you should know

    The age in the States for a pap is whenever you are sexually active. If you had a pap and it came back normal, then you don't need one for two years , this is a new standard. If you change sexual partners a lot, id get one done every year. Also if you ask can get the gardasil vaccine, which prevents the strains of HPV that cause cervical cancer. Both men and woman can now get the vaccine.

  8. #38
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Re: Preventing Cervical Cancer & What you should know

    I've never been sexually active that I'm aware of but I have a lot of these symptoms, especially a very heavy discharge, quite worried now! Not sure if I should ask my doc for a smear, I have taken the pill before but only for 5 months when I was 15 and for 5 months when I was 18/19... worried!
    Present fears are less than horrible imaginings.
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  9. #39
    Join Date
    Aug 2008

    Re: Preventing Cervical Cancer & What you should know


    I am 24 i have been for 3 smears and 2 biopsies..i have abnormal cells i am due to go back in for treatment to have them burnt or cut. I am a wimp seriously!! But this is serious and i think people should not put off being checked. There is no need to worry as much as you might, they are lovely and helpful and early detection of anything abnormal can be treated correctly!! I went for my first smear at 23..because i asked whilst having an STD test..i think the over 25 rule should be lowered and people should be allowed to get checked at any age.

    Seriously though i cannot stres...if im able to go threw it anyone else can. Because i am not a very strong person and i hate pain etc. xxxxx

  10. #40
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Re: Preventing Cervical Cancer & What you should know

    Hi everyone..just thought to share my story..I was diagnosed with CIN1 back in March of this year. The gyno was able to do a biopsy and removed the very small problem area on my cervix..I am to be seen for my 6 month check up on Friday..a little worried about it..but trying to keep a neutral stance on it. Send me good vibes! Thanks.

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