Right, basically I'm a health anxious, insecure, phobic, paranoid...panic attack prone 19 year old.

Ever since I can remember I have been an anxiety prone person. I get the the point where I can't breathe sometimes and I worry so much about my health.
Currentley (if people have seen my other post) I think I have contracted HIV...I am a regular visitor at my GP and have always thought since a young age that I am dying of cancer or some other dreadful disease.

I cant concentrate on my work...I'm a student at university and I want to become a journalist but at the back of my mind I keep thinking whats the point, I won't ever reach even my middle age...currentley I'm thinking that I will have HIV so I wont be able to even get to that stage!

I'm so scared of everything. I am not at all confident around people. And I'm living away from home, with friends. Thankfully only for a few more months and its driving me insane.
I've suffered from seperation anxiety all my life and have home-sickness alot.

I find it difficult to have relationships with guys...I have had a few boyfriends but I always end up pushing them away because they feel stifled by me. I get too intense.

Please help me! Its ruining my life. And I'm only 19 I thought these were supposed to be the best years of my life!
I need to stop over-analyising