I have severe depression and lately its hit bottom i dont no what to do talking to my doc isnt an option as i have a fear of meds, meds is the only answer my doc has. I feel so weak mentally physically and emotionally everything makes me cry even stupid small everyday things like today i was watching the tv and my partner asked me why i was rocking
(swaying) and i started crying I have fought day in and day out to survive this depression but now its getting the better of me i feel smothered by it. I dont want anyone to think im suicidal because im not i have 3 beautiful kids who are my rock and who have got me this far i guess i just dont see the light at the end of this and believe its not going to get better like iv hit a brick wall when it comes to fighting. I really dont no how to say how i feel for fear i will upset people or be misunderstood. I dont no anymore how to help myself i feel so weak rite now and need some help but where to turn is where im lost thank you for taking the time to read this ..warm hugs xx Name