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Thread: Diarrhoea Phobia

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Diarrhoea Phobia

    I promise not to go into graphic detail but I'm wondering if anyone else has a severe diarrhoea phobia? I'm also severely emetophobic . Both cause me so much distress.

    I'm a REAL panic at the mo because I've had 9 imodium tablets today but I still have cramps and need the loo. I'm terrified its a bug.

    This is going to sound really stupid so please forgive me but I dont let myself go to the loo when I need to because I truly cant stand any bowel motion to be anything other than totally normal.
    I wake with a bad tummy most mornings (I have IBS) so dread using the bathroom.
    Whats scaring me tonight is that I've had the 9 tablets but still feel awful. Normally they would have worked by now and I'd be feeling hungry and not needing the loo. I'm too scared to allow myself to use the bathroom again.

    It sounds SOOOOOO stupid I know but its a real problem.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Diarrhoea Phobia


    I am not sure it is a good idea to be taking that much imodium a day and you need to address the underlying problem rather than take drugs to supress things.

    Can you not get some help for this?

    “Don't be afraid of death; be afraid of an unlived life. You don't have to live forever, you just have to live.” - Natalie Babbitt

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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Re: Diarrhoea Phobia

    I agree with Nic, you need to see your GP about your phobia of going to the loo. Everyone goes & yes I too suffer from the runs with IBS but I have to do it. You will feel lousy taking so much imoduim. The doc once said to me, you can 10 of these in one day & they won't kill you, but thats only if you need to get out of the house & do other stuff, not cos you don't like pooing! I think you need treatment for your phobia. Why not see your GP or maybe try hypnotherpy? Let me know how you get on. xxx

  4. #4

    Re: Diarrhoea Phobia

    The more nervous you are [anxious] the more you will want to go the loo.
    Apart from going to your GP, which I think is an excellant idea btw. I think you should also maybe ask to visit a dietician to make sure you are not eating foods which will contribute more problems to your IBS. You do need to do other things to take your mind off your worry. Maybe, you need friends around you more? a word of advice don't go walking alot if you have IBS because walking stimulates the bowel and that's not what you need until you talk to your GP. Wishing you the best.

  5. #5

    Re: Diarrhoea Phobia

    im having the same problem now, im severley emetophobic and my sister said she felt sick, so now i refuse to go to the toilet incase i have diahorrea and everyone i know always says with diahorrea comes sickness D: so im petrified, i would most likey say go to your gp and ask for advice, it depends how good your gp is, hypnotherepy sounds a good idea

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2009

    Re: Diarrhoea Phobia

    I get diorreah most days (i'm thinking it could be IBS now?), i'm used to it now so it doesnt always make me panic, it's worse when i wake up in the night with it though or first thing. I do panic when i get agonising stomach cramps, but i know the only way to get rid of them is to go to the loo. As horrible as it is, going to tdo what i need to do gets rid of the cramps, sometimes just once is needed, if it's more than twice i start to worry.

    Here's a tip to make it easier, instead of sitting on the loo just waiting and panicking, take a magazine with you or better still a puzzle book (preferably as kids one).
    I do that to take my mind off the panic, i have also got a portable dvd player for that reason, now when i get up in the night to the loo i get the dvd player out of the airing cupboard and whact Friends, thats my comfort program.
    You should see my airing cupboard, everyone elses has towels in., mine has a dvd player, a box of dvd's, a book, some magazines, some puzzle books and some pens!
    It's much better going to the loo when you've got your comforts around you...only wish i'd figured that out years ago.

    Take care xxx

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Re: Diarrhoea Phobia

    thank god there are other people out there like me :(

    when im anxious, diarrhoea is the only symptom i cannot stand. and its ruining my life, im so afraid of being in pubilc places and ill freak out and need the bathroom. and its happened to me a good few times. im terrified :(

  8. #8

    Re: Diarrhoea Phobia

    Its good to find other people who have the same phobia as I do! I have such a fear of bowel movements it keeps me at home a lot of the time. If I'm at home and I have diarrhoea or am constipated I dont mind because I'm at home but the moment I have to leave I just can't do it I get so scared its going to happen in public... I get IBS an I really don't know what to do about this phobia anymore..

    FEAR is an acronym for False Evidence Appearing Real.

  9. #9

    Re: Diarrhoea Phobia

    omg i too suffer, an have such a phobia of not making it to the toilette,
    and its so embarrising trying to explain to people.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Re: Diarrhoea Phobia

    geez I'm emetophobic alone, I actually pray for diarrhea instead of vomiting if im ill, I can't imagine how hard it must be to have both

    folks here are right though, the underlying problem needs to be dealt with, and taking 9 immodium might be making you feel awful too hun, whilst it may prevent diarrhea taking loads of them could still make you feel unwell

    your doctor needs to address this, don't take no for an answer off them!

    keep your chin up

    Every day is a new battle, you can either fight on, or put up your hands and admit defeat.

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