A great deal of my depression, anxiety and sometimes obsessive thoughts is related to past actions, I am aware that depression and anxiety can be a nasty beast focusing in on our past.

For example I was a bit of a bully at school, indeed I was also bullied myself, it happens I think, we as men can behave in this way sometimes, I had a dog who I loved in many ways but was also very cruel to as well when I was 17 or 18 and it causes me a great deal of grief sorrow and shame.

I told a counsellor once and she said we can all have good and bad sides to ourselves, especially when younger, she said people who behave in bad ways when they are older and the problem.

Anyway are there any decnt books or techniques to deal with such feelings of guilt, sorrow and shame? Claire Weekes says leave vengence to God but I have no belief in religion !!!