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Thread: Thr Real Truth about Seroxat(paroxetine)....

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    , , Ireland.
    Hi meg

    Yes i do realise that seroxat has a short half life and i am aware that some people 'claim' to have been helped by the drug.But i have seen very few postive stories and usually the positive stories are from those whom have never tried to get off the drug or have taken it short term and have used a tapering regime.

    I have to disagree with your point about seroxat helping 'substancially more' people than it has hindered. Although there are no official and accurate figures on whom it has helpled and whom it has hindered or damaged. There is clear evidence of withdrawal testimonies on the web and other media. These testemonies and stories of horrific withdrawal and side effects are in their tens of thousands and are well documented. And if we take tens of thousands as a rough figure , we could say that they could well be the tip of the iceberg regarding known reporting of adverse problems with Seroxat.

    I also disagree with your point about seroxat having hardly any risk on a steady dose. While stopping abruptly is indeed more risky than tapering and while changing the dose is evidently more risky than continuing on a steady one. The long term side effects on Seroxat on any dose are just emerging in the last couple of years. I would bet my life on the fact that if you were to medically examine all long term users of Seroxat , you would find that not one would be without some kind of permanent neurolgical damage . The problem with Seroxat (and other SSRIs) is that they are relatively new drugs, and with new drugs there come new unknown side effects and unkown long term damage that wont be seen for a few decades of use in the public domain. We are about half way there in discovering the truth about Seroxat , and it is not pretty. There are caes of people taking up to 18 months to withdraw from seroxat. there is the serious problem of protracted withdrawal. and also the evidence of long term damage just emerging.

    Glaxosmithkline knew there would be problems for a lot of people on this drug.Yet they failed to warn because it did not fit in with their marketing strategy. They put peoples lives at risk and many have lost theirs due to seroxat induced aggression. I am not pro or ant-drugs for the treatment of mood disorders. But i am concerned with over-prescription, misdiagnoses , misinformation and abuses of the public by psychiatry and greedy pharmaceautical corporations.

    The purpose of my first post on this website was to give people a gateway to information that is factual. And that is the purpose of my quest. I have been researching tirelessly for the past 4 years on Seroxat. I am a seeker of the truth. and from what i have found, the truth about seroxat is , the risks by far outweigh the benefits of it as an effective treatment for any condition.

    If you look the story and history of Seroxat , you will find a tale so sinister it couldnt be written as believeable fiction, but unfortunately it is all true. ( Check out : )

    Abuses by psychiatry are nothing new. And corruption in the pharmaceutical industry is nothing new either. And failure to protect the public by government medical wathchdogs has happened before(like thalidomide). It is the combination of all these factors that resulted in Seroxat. Glaxosmithkline , in 2002, amended the prescribing instructions for Seroxat regarding the withdrawal issue. They officially increased the withdrawal reactions from 1 in 500 people to 1 in 4. Seroxat is like russian roullette... a very dangerous gamble.....

    the truth thats so entangled in the lies

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    , , United Kingdom.
    <b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">I was on Seroxat for six months and i'm sure it pulled me out of a deep dark hole I was in at the time.

    Coming of I just experienced alot of dizziness but thats all.

    Pip's X

    <div align="right">Originally posted by pips - 18 August 2005 : 15:53:53</div id="right">
    </td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">
    No pressure to feel you have to answer anything if it makes you feel uncomfortable but did you have therapy alongside it? Was it a tool that enabled you to deal with whatever problems you were facing?

    I am just wondering about how it worked for you, as it obviously helped you out. Reasons for depression are complex and varied; was it a solution or an aid to find a solution?[?]

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    , , United Kingdom.
    [quote]Although there are no official and accurate figures on whom it has helpled and whom it has hindered or damaged.
    [quote] The problem with Seroxat (and other SSRIs) is that they are relatively new drugs, and with new drugs there come new unknown side effects and unkown long term damage that wont be seen for a few decades of use in the public domain.

    So if the above quotes are true, how can people know the long term side effects and any neurological (?) damage it can do?

    I have been on Seroxat for nearly 3 years, and I have found it has helped me so much.
    Yes I did feel suicidal at times, but I feel that it was just my depression.
    I am no scientist or medical genius, I am an ordinary girl who has suffered with anxiety and depression, and going from being unable to go out, even to the shops to being back working and able to go out, even on my own!
    I am sure any person on any anti-depressant has felt suicidal.

    Also you or someone else mentioned about a man who killed his family and himself, but it also said he had only been on it a matter of days. I thought anti depressants take a week or so to work.

    I know you are speaking from personal experience, as I am, but I feel that you may be scaring people unessercerilly ([Duh!] sorry, never been able to spell that word right!).
    Sorry if I have offended anyone but I needed to get that off my chest!

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi Kid a

    I went on the Seoxat for my anxiety panic attacks & Depression.

    I think I was just desperite to try anything at the time as I was feeling so very low.

    At first I wasn't having any therapy but then after about 4 months I started to see a counceller. Unfortunately she wasn't that experienced in panic etc so that didn't help me that much.

    Although it didn't do that much for my anxiety etc. It did help me see a light at the end of the tunnel for my depression.

    Whether I would have come out of that deep dark hole without the Seroxat. I can't answer that I suppose i will always wonder?

    Take care,

    Love PIP'S X X

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    , , Ireland.
    I am not going to go in to a longwinded explanation of my stance about the truth of these drugs. All the information to any question that needs to be addressed can be found in the links i have provided at the beginning of my post . I have been debating the dangers of Seroxat for years. A lot of my opinion and that of thousands of others whom have been damaged by this drug can be found on

    In response to Looby , the point of my post was that the long term side effects of long term use of seroxat seems to point in the direction of neurological damge to the brain. It is early days as Seroxat is still a relatively new drug but if you check out the links i have provided you can see for yourself and make more of an informed opinion.

    After all my years of research and experience with seroxat , the following are my conclusions :

    Seroxat is ineffective in the long term for most people.
    Pharmacautical corporations are not interested in the individual suffering from 'mental illness' , they are driven by profit for their shareholders and nothing else.
    They will exploit any illness or condition of which they see a possible profit angle. And the 'mentally il' are the easiest targets for them to exploit.
    They will lie and deceive in any way they can to boost sales of their drugs.
    They will market drugs with selective results of clinical trials regarding side effetcts and withdrawal symptoms in order to market a positive efficacy and tolerance , regardless if this is true or not.
    They will use Psychaiatry as a devious marketing tool to sell more drugs.
    They will use drug reps to tempt GP's or doctors with Perks and bonuses to further increase sales.
    They will hide behind made up medical words, definitions and phrases , such as 'scientific foundation' , chemical imbalance', 'suiciadal ideation' etc in order to confuse the general public and lead away from the truth.
    They will endorse political parties and governments with money in order to push their agendas to gain power and influence.
    They will pay off victims from suicide cases, withdrawal cases and homicide cases in order to gag them and stop the real truth from being revealed.
    They have a vested interest in the media to continue their propaganda. The do this by sponsorship, (magazines,TV, etc)
    They will stop at nothing to keep the money machine rolling.

    If anyone can argue to the contrary any of the statements above. I am willing and open to discussion.............

    the truth thats so entangled in the lies

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    I was on a very low dose of Seroxat for 9 days up untill yesterday and was told by my doctor to stop straight away because it was causing bleeding under my skin which i'm told is a rare side effect.

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