New Symptoms I'm experiencing;

Feeling like i'm not here. Everything feels new to me again.. hearing.. seeing.. touching.. emotions.. questioning humanity and thinking these weird and crazy thoughts I never gave a krap about around until January, where I had to my first panic attack..
This month seems to be dizziness and the feeling of having to throw up; but when i get my mind off of it i dont htink of it.. and when the slightest thought comes up i just need to sit down.

I cant sleep anymore, i dont know why. Things are starting to calm down but i'm still in that ready to go mode.
I'm afraid i'm going to let my self fall under on this one because i feel so out of touch with everything. I just want it all to go away. And i'm 19
It's not like i have supportive friends cause i dont; they're all ditching me going to these prestigous colleges while i'm here.. jobless, and almost homeless.. no boyfriend.. i know it's BS stuff.. but still.. i should be out there having fun and not having to question why i can see this, or loose hours of sleep because i sweat so much do to anxiety..

Is there like any cure for this out of touch feeling? I mean.. i'm shocked that it went on for this long, and how fast time really does go by as your growing up.