Chat room/help room

Last thread I wrote on the Chat Room was deleted..hopefully this one won't be.

Just a couple of quick comments really.

Firstly, I have noticed again that it has been suggested that those in the chat room may not make others, particularly new users, feel welcome.
I have never noticed this, usually when people sign in they are welcomed immediately. Secondly, those using chat are told to respect others feelings and not push them into joining in a conversation if they don't want to..I take that to mean saying "hi", asking how they are, but if there is no further conversation taking place I will respect the fact that they might not wish to talk and leave them in peace.

Regarding the "Help " room..would it be possible to come up with a way of making it more noticeable if somebody goes in there?
Unless I'm wrong, at the moment all we see is "so and so has entered help" as part of the normal conversational script on the page and as the page moves down so quickly, that info is often lost.
I am one of those that cannot type and look at the screen at the same time so am sometimes unaware if someone has gone into help.

Just a suggestion.