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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2003



    Recently you may have read my posts re my mum being a chronic alcoholic and being ni hospital because of it. Anyway she was in for 3 weeks came out and was deinking again within 1 week.

    I went up last night to find her feet swollen her licving in squallor again (after my sister and I recarpeting and basically gutting her full house out) I phoned the doctor this morning who came up and readmitted her to hospital.

    Anyway my question is IS Alcoholism genetic. I'm not worried about me but about my kids as in her drunken pathetic state last night my mum says it runs in families and just skips a generation. I don;t know what to think and I don't know whther she is just trying to upset me.

    Any info would be helpful guys


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    Dear Lucky

    Thats like saying every other generation of your family (or mine) will get our "mad" disorder!!!!!

    I think your mum has a point in that children learn responses from a very early age from their parents. Morals, values, attitudes to drugs, drink, work, responses to emotional challenges etc etc are learnt from watching their parents/family members.

    So maybe if your family were a load of lushes, you would find that your children would grow up to follow in your footsteps.

    But by adopting a sensible attitude to life, diet, exercise, drinking etc. etc. your children are much more likely to grow up to lead healthy lives, be fit, healthy, and have a responsible attitude to beer!

    You've only got to see the overweight convenience food family shopping. You never see the kids say, but mum, can't we just have a tuna fish salad for tea tonight (hold the dressing). They have learnt that convenience food is the only way to eat, and unless they meet a partner who re-educates them, they will pass this onto their kids kids too!

    Please don't give yourself anything else to worry about



  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    The one thing i learned from my mother was DONT DRINK IN EXCESS

    I told her my kids wouldn't grow up like that as I would just tell them the sad story of gran - she wasn't happy but it served her right for being so bloody mean!!!


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    hi lucky,

    charlie is right,if you bring up your children,to respect their bodies,you want have a problem.

    alcoholism,is a sickness,and is just as difficult,if not more so to come off,as main line drugs,cocaine,and heroine,as the side effects of coming off drink,are horrendous.

    its awful,for close relatives,such as yourself,to have to go through this on a daily basis,and i really feel for you...but they have to WANT to stop drinking,and if the will is not strong enough,there is little anyone can do to help them.

    i really wish your family well...bryan.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Thanks Bryan,

    i have to agree with you

    Willpower obviously is not enough in her case and she doesn't want to!

    Still afraid for my kids though


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.

    My dad was an alcoholic and he died because of it 10 years ago, so I can understand how you are feeling.

    It was hard to see him like that and I had to get him admitted to the psychiatric ward once and that was not pleasant. Of course he discharged himself a few days later and went straight back on the booze.

    I am very concious that I do drink too much sometimes and I try to remember my dad and how awful his life must have been - that cold reality should shock me.

    I hope things work out ok for you and your mum.


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Thanks Nicola,

    I'm really very sorry if I have dredged up unhappy memories for you.

    My mum has been in various psychiatric wards but if someone wants a drink so badly what can we do

    I'll never understand it and (i suppose a bit like anxiety) only alcoholics will know the great pull that alcohol has on them that will allow them to break hearts and hurt themselves in a way unimaginable to us 'normal' people.

    i know how difficult it is to stop smoking but the havoc alcoholism causes is very strong

    Take care


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.

    It is fine - you didn't upset me. I just wanted you to know that I do KNOW how you feel (if you see what I mean)

    I wish I could wave a magic wand for your mum but like you say, she has to want to do it. They did give my dad something to take that made him violently sick if he then had alcohol. Guess what? Yep, he never took it!

    I hope things get better for you all soon



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