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Thread: Duloxetine Withdrawal-Experience, Please?

  1. #1

    Exclamation Duloxetine Withdrawal-Experience, Please?

    I've been taking 120 mg of Duloxetine for about a year. My consultant and I recently decided to switch from SSRIs to Tricyclics as the efficacy of the Duloxetine has waned. For one week my dosage was reduced to 60 mg, then (starting this past Monday 15 June) to nothing, with my new tricyclic beginning on Tuesday 16 June.

    Unfortunately, I'm now experiencing a withdrawal which can only be described as hellish. My withdrawal symptoms include: Almost constant brain zaps; debilitating dizziness and nausea; frequent nystagmus; terrible short term memory problems; and horrific nightmares.

    These symptoms are completely debilitating; in fact, it has taken me an inordinate amount of time to write this posting. I'll begin typing, then get a brain zap, then forget what I was going to say (or wanted to say) and start typing again, then get a zap, then get nauseous, etc.

    I would really, really appreciate hearing from anyone who has had this kind of nightmarish withdrawal from Duloxetine and managed to get through it. I can honestly say this is the worst I've ever felt. It sounds crazy, but I'm afraid to lie down to go to sleep because I'm afraid I might go into convulsions and/or die. So some experience and hope would help me quite a lot. When will this end?

    Thanks so much.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Re: Duloxetine Withdrawal-Experience, Please?

    Dear Jim I am very sorry that you are going through such horrendous withdrawals. I took duloxetine for six weeks but experienced sickness nausea and giddiness so my psychiatrist would not allow me to continue with it. I did experience a very similar withdrawal pattern to the one you describe when I came off mirtazapine. I am familiar with the cross tapering but in my case I was taking dothiepin with a view to coming off that and going onto duloxetine. When I was withdrawing from mirtazapine the worst times were about two to three weeks into the withdrawal. The anxiety attacks and the sleep disturbances were frightening. I thoiught that I was becoming ill again. My GP prescribed some valium to get over this period. I felt that my skin was creeping but the good news is that it does get better. You might need something from your GP to ease with the transition. I was also taking zopiclone to help me sleep. These newer anti depressants seem to have severe withdrawals when you try to come off them. You did not say which tricyclic you are being put on? All in all it will be hard to weather this storm. If the symptoms seem too much to cope with then you must go back to your GP. There is help available out there. Post to let us know how you get on.

  3. #3

    Re: Duloxetine Withdrawal-Experience, Please?

    Thanks very much for your reply, Elizabeth Jane. I was hoping things would start getting better today, but unfortunately they don't seem to be.

    The tricyclic I just started is Lofepramine. I'm starting with a one-week daily dose of 70 mg, followed by a one-week daily dose of 140 mg, finally titrating to a daily does of 210 mg the third week. Thus far the only side effect I seem to have experienced is dry mouth--although I have to say, given the living hell that is Duloxetine withdrawal, it's difficult to really know what side effects I'm experiencing.

    I'm really hoping the 'brain zaps' that are a big part of this withdrawal end soon as they're the really difficult symptom (besides the constant nausea and dizziness). At this point walking my dog is a daunting challenge.

    Thanks again for your reply,

  4. #4

    Re: Duloxetine Withdrawal-Experience, Please?

    Hi JIm - I recently came off Duloxetine but I had only taken it for a month.

    I had bad physical reactions from the outset. After I stopped taking it I did get some of the effects you descibe. There was this wierd thing that I hadn't even been able to describe - And you have nailed it "brain zaps".

    It is not something I had ever experienced and I find it very hard to describe what it feels like except that it is sudden, and very very unpleasant, and frightening.

    I had found that my libido was affected very badly after only two days, but after finishing with the medication things returned to normal.

    In my case Jim all that stuff subsided quite quickly but you have been taking it a lot longer than me.

    Please let your medical advisor know what you are going through. It isn't uncommon- My Brother-in-Law in the US went through what you are going through now and it did pass. He told me his greatest fear was that in some way he had done some permanent damage to his brain. But he got good advice and support and was assured that the drug just doesn't work that way.

    It's just that many people have some bad reactions with it.

    Hope you are feeling a lot better now, Jim. And in time you will.

  5. #5

    Re: Duloxetine Withdrawal-Experience, Please?

    after 12 years of ssri's, i decided to cold turkey a 5 days god it hurts like hell, the zaps, nausia, "squits", tears, dizzyness, pins and needles in my feet(?), sound sensetivity, baaad headaches and no ability to continue a train of thought for longer than a sentence...but having read the others on this site who have gone through the same....i must be able to do it. i think i really need someone to tell me that it does end???????????

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Re: Duloxetine Withdrawal-Experience, Please?

    Dear Moonunit I had a very brief time on duloxetine. I really feel for you at the moment. The only good thing to say is that it will not last the withdrawals should only last a few weeks. I had some valium to help me over the withdrawals with mirtazapine. In reality I only took two tablets. I hope you begin to feel better soon.

  7. #7

    Smile Re: Duloxetine Withdrawal-Experience, Please?

    Quote Originally Posted by jlrich View Post
    I've been taking 120 mg of Duloxetine for about a year. My consultant and I recently decided to switch from SSRIs to Tricyclics as the efficacy of the Duloxetine has waned. For one week my dosage was reduced to 60 mg, then (starting this past Monday 15 June) to nothing, with my new tricyclic beginning on Tuesday 16 June.

    Unfortunately, I'm now experiencing a withdrawal which can only be described as hellish. My withdrawal symptoms include: Almost constant brain zaps; debilitating dizziness and nausea; frequent nystagmus; terrible short term memory problems; and horrific nightmares.

    These symptoms are completely debilitating; in fact, it has taken me an inordinate amount of time to write this posting. I'll begin typing, then get a brain zap, then forget what I was going to say (or wanted to say) and start typing again, then get a zap, then get nauseous, etc.

    I would really, really appreciate hearing from anyone who has had this kind of nightmarish withdrawal from Duloxetine and managed to get through it. I can honestly say this is the worst I've ever felt. It sounds crazy, but I'm afraid to lie down to go to sleep because I'm afraid I might go into convulsions and/or die. So some experience and hope would help me quite a lot. When will this end?

    Thanks so much.

    Hi Jim

    I have been on Duloxetine for just over 5 years, the hospital decided that it was time to try it on my own and decided I should stop taking the meds and go cold turkey !!! I can totally understand what you are going through, I ended up having two weeks off work as it was so difficult, the hospitak asked my GP to prescribe me valium to take when things are bad, this only has a short burst of help but tends to wipe you out and send you to sleep. All I can suggest is keep on going as it will get better and slowly things will ease.

    I have had tried over 9 different anti-depressents over the last 10 years and have suffered with many side effects and they do pass given time, but it is so hard while trying to lead a noemal life and working day.

    Good Luck Jim I am sure it will all calm down for you.

  8. #8

    Re: Duloxetine Withdrawal-Experience, Please?

    Ive been taking 60mgs of Duloxetine for just over a year. Just this tuesday was diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder after being referred by my g.p to the psychiatrist because ive been hearing voices, trying to kill myself, self harming, mood extremely low. I was told to come straight off Duloxetine and go straight onto Quitiapine 50mgs.
    Ever since coming off the Duloxetine I have had the undescribable 'brain zaps', they are driving me mad (even more than i already am!!!). I have had diahorrea, dizziness, tingling in my face (especially my lips), headache, bad paranoia, tiredness, blurred vision during brain zaps, my balance is as if ive just got off a fairground ride. The list is endless. Ive phoned my psychiatric nurse to ask for help and he says call my g.p, ive called them and am still awaiting their call. I tell you what, if i have to wait much longer i'll go up there and refuse to leave until they sort this.

  9. #9

    Thumbs up Re: Duloxetine Withdrawal-Experience, Please?

    I am sooo pleased to read that others have experienced it and have named the experience better than I and that is this 'brain zapping' that I have had over the last few months of coming off Duloxetine and this is from only 40mg a day.
    i was put on it not for depression, but to help with muscle control of a weak bladder believe it or not!
    It did the job, but after another medical i was advised to come off it completely. Even though been reduced to 20mg a day I am still getting this frightening sensation of fireworks going off randomly in my head.
    I thought it was due to a trapped nerve in my kneck or back at first. I was also told it was my sinusis causing the problem or grinding my teeth at night, till I had the brain wave (one of a few) to google it, under 'explosions in head', so very interesting....I will take time to read up more here, thank you.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Re: Duloxetine Withdrawal-Experience, Please?

    i had same withdrawal stuff from these and with the help of a good friend who was able to speak at dr. for me [yes that bad!] i was returned to the dose and came off it VERY slowly -much, much better -i too had never experienced 'brain zaps' before this, a frightening experience... i was then able to change to other meds.
    run awayyy works for me

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