1) Are you looking for a male or female: Ideally females

2) What age range: 18-80

3) Specific location (UK only/specific area or worldwide): Anywhere in the UK

4) How will interview be conducted: (telephone/face-to-face/studio
visit/Email/questionnaire) Over the phone

5) Which specific illnesses/problems/phobias are you looking for: Any phobias: phobias which have stopped a person living their life, eg something that perhaps the rest of us would take for granted but stops that person even living normal life; unusual phobias; phobias of 'strange' things; or phobias of essential things, such as food/ water etc.

6) Is a photograph needed and can this be sent by Email or has to be taken by you: Photograph is needed. Most of the time this can be one chosen by the interviewee and simply emailed to me. However if a piece is taken as a bigger article by a magazine they may then need more pictures and therefore decide to ask the interviewee if they can send a photographer to do one or two pictures.

7) Is there any compensation (monetary or otherwise) for interviewees time: Yes. If the piece is published, a fee will be paid. This depends on the size and location within the magazine. But ranges from £200, to £500 - and sometimes more!

8) Contact details (name/email/phone no): Julie Cook, Freelance Journalist, email: jules_77123@hotmail.com

9) Organisation details (radio/paper/magazine/TV station etc): All the women's weeklies: Bella, Take a Break, Woman's Own, Closer, Reveal, Real People, That's Life and some national newspapers - Mirror, Express Woman, etc