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Thread: Questions about NHS

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    , , USA.

    Questions about NHS

    Ok right now there is a huge debate in the US on what 'socializing' medical care would do to our medical services.
    I would like to get some opinions from people who live with government run health care and see what you all think.

    The main points I saw opponents making yesterday were...
    'It will take longer to get care you need'. They even went as far as to say that if you have cancer you can't get treatment right away.

    The reason why healthcare is affordable enough that the government can back it is because countries with NHS don't have the latest technology like the US does.

    People pay far more taxes than residents in the US to the government to pay for the NHS.

    And last that there are people who have been waiting for care for so long that they are actually coming to the US for treatment.

    I'd like to hear views on government run health care just to get an idea of whether these are true statements or just politicians blowing smoke to change public opinion.

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2009

    Re: Questions about NHS

    I think for all the faults (and the NHS has them), considering the huge ammount of people who us it, it runs quite well.
    Sure, there's some waiting times, but it's free at the point of use and anyone nomatter what there financies are can get immediate treatment.
    The reason why sometimes we have to wait a little longer for treatment than we should is because our country (england) is overcrowded and it puts a huge strain on the resourses.
    I think the technology our NHS uses is up to date in general.
    I wonder if the private medical companies in the USA who make billions a year will make it difficult for the US to roll out a 'free' service?
    Here, we started our NHS from virtually a clean sheet in the late nineteen forties, very little private medicine and no competition then.
    In general it's a great service.
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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Re: Questions about NHS


    Like Mick, I agree the NHS has it's faults but i think it is fantastic on a whole.

    If i called my doctor say first thing this morning because i will ill, i would have gotten a same day appointment and would have came away with medication if needed.

    There is however waiting lists for hospital appointments and things like. CBT and other therapies so that has it's problems.

    Plus because i don't work and am on benefit so i get everything free which is a godsend.

    Love Lisa
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  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    , , USA.

    Re: Questions about NHS

    Well there is of course a lot of opposition to the idea in the US.
    Apparently an increase in taxes for the wealthy (people who make over a million a year) will pay for a good portion of it.
    Also some politicians are saying it will drive private insurance companies out of business.
    My issue is that private insurance has gone up so much and with the economy as bad as it is, there are SO many that are without health insurance and therefore get no preventative care so when they do get sick and can't pay the huge bills that come with it, doesn't that cost everyone more in the long run?

    We pay 90 dollars a week for our insurance thru my husbands work which isn't bad but there is a cap and a 500 dollar deductible so it's still SO expensive!

    Huge debates still waging here about it all.
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  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Questions about NHS

    Hiya Sandy

    The NHS is one of the great things about the UK (makes up for the crap weather ).

    The concept of free medical care for all is something I believe in, and for me gives a human side to our goverments and society here in the UK ~(regardless of which party is in).

    It is however, a massive institution and mistakes can happen, and it will never have enough money, but it is something that we should be proud of here.

    I agree with Mick too, our technology is up to date, I have had 1st hand experience last year when my 70 yo dad was saved from life threatening cancer, and it didn't cost him a penny (as we all pay for it through our national insurance and taxes).

    As I understand it, you need medical insurance in the USA, but I am not sure how much that is, and that would be comparable to taxes ?

    Waiting lists have been vastly improved over the years. My father started chemo within 4 weeks of diagnosis.

    Interesting question I would like to ask, if you needed a major operation in the USA, and you have no insurance, what happens?



  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    , , USA.

    Re: Questions about NHS

    Well if it's something like your appendix bursts or something that is acute and not just chronic, then you can go into the emergency room and they have to treat and bill you BUT any doctor payment is due at the time of service so you couldn't go to any follow up appointment without having the money to pay.
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  7. #7
    Join Date
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    , , USA.

    Re: Questions about NHS

    Wanted to give you an idea of cost too...
    I got cellulitis in my leg. Went to the urgent care near here. No tests, just a doc to write me a script and tell me I had cellulitis and take four days off work.
    10 minute visit...
    270 dollar bill from the hospital and 250 from the doctor himself because all doctors at hospitals are independent contractors basically.
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  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Questions about NHS

    I slate the NHS here too - especially the hospitals I have been in..

    BUT ...

    when I was really poorly I could call the out-of-hours docs, go and see them, get drugs or a hospital admission within the space of an hour so I can't really knock it when I see what you have over there Sandy.

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  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Questions about NHS

    Sandy give me the British system any day

    It must be a worry in the USA. I know it's the richest country in the world but it has it's fair share of people earning less than minimum wage.

    I personally do not see a problem with those who can afford it, contributing more. This is a working class ethic I know but whats more important, wealth or life?

    I have my own business and worked at consultancy level for IT firms in the past and I have always shunned private medical care. I don't think what you earn, or your status in a class system should be reflected to what you should be entitled to in terms of basic health care.

    We all want what's best for ourselves and family/friends but we are also all equal and should be treated equally in terms of health care.

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