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Thread: Globus Hystericus??? (not so hysterical)

  1. #21

    Re: Globus Hystericus??? (not so hysterical)

    Hi all,

    Just got back from the doctors again today :(. Taking Omeprazole due to really nasty heartburn,been to a and e so many times with chest pains etc. They're convinced it's gastric obviously I think it's cancer!. Been diagnosed with Globus Hystericus today. Was strange reading your post.... I started off at the begining of the week with the sensation that I was making too much saliva???? then finding it increasingly difficult to swallow, worst night last night could hardly swallow my sleeping tablet!. Reading all your posts it all makes sense but I still get that same sneaky feeling that maybe somethings been missed... I guess that's the nature of the beast!. Off to the orthodontist on Tuesday as my dentist found "something" around an impacted wisdom tooth! he tells me it's NOT cancerous but has referred me anyway?? why?? because it is really cancer?? vicious circle........ now I'm thinking this "thing" around the tooth is what's making my throat feel like there's a lump in it!!... not having a good day.....

  2. #22

    Re: Globus Hystericus??? (not so hysterical)

    I'm having the exact same problems. Exact. Every doctor I've spoken to is convinced I'm suffering from reflux, but I still worry it's cancer.

    I've gotten over it, in large part recently. Just not thinking about it at all. They are doctors, they woulden't miss this.

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    Re: Globus Hystericus??? (not so hysterical)

    I had globus for the first three months of this year. It drove me mad and was really worrying and very unpleasant. Have been without it for about 3 weeks now but strangely yesterday I suddenly thought. 'Oh haven't had lump in the throat for a while' and guess what. Within a few minutes I could feel it coming back.

    At least it convinces me it is mind related.

  4. #24

    Re: Globus Hystericus??? (not so hysterical)

    HI guys,

    We had been invited out last night for a meal with friends, I went along but have to say firstly I was worried what I should be eating because of the reflux andthen secondly was convinced that something would get stuck in my throat and I'd choke! so a panic attack ensued!!!! I managed to stay until the end but didn't really eat much at all and was constantly apologising to our friends :(. Took my sleeping tablet when i got home but felt that got stuck! but eventually did sleep. My friend called this morning and said she was going to pop over, I almost put her off but actually I'm hoping seeing her will help to put things back into perspective.... silly huh x Thank you for your replies and I know we can all get through this

  5. #25
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: Globus Hystericus??? (not so hysterical)

    why did you get a thyroid scan then

  6. #26

    Re: Globus Hystericus??? (not so hysterical)

    Quote Originally Posted by Canada Girl View Post
    Ok, so I've got this funky throat thing happening for about 4 months now. I am not in "pain" but it is just discomfortable. Sometimes I feel like I have a lump by my adams apple (lower throat) - kind of like when you get all emotional and you are trying REALLY hard NOT to cry. So off I go to the Dr.'s and she says Globus Hystericus. We talk about it and I think - yup, I can see this, signs are there, stress etc. My question is now that I realize that I can control this (or at least I need to get my stress under control to get over this) how long should this take? I do feel better knowing that I don't have throat cancer and all the fun things I psyched myself up into believing I had. Dr. says reassurance from her is normally the key to the healing to begin. In otherwords....
    "You are not deathly sick with a nasty disease so get over it!!) I just wonder if anyone else has had it and how long before you go sympton free?? I still have the odd spasm in my throat (it feels like a flutter) and I find if I have a really good cry I feel amazing afterwards. Just hoping someone else has experienced this too. Searching for some reassurance and hoping I'll get back to feeling 100% and not always having this in the back of my head.
    hello there why did you have to have a thyroid scan for if your throat was ok kind regards maryann

  7. #27
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Globus Hystericus??? (not so hysterical)

    It is unlikey this user will reply as this thread is very old - dates back to 2006.

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  8. #28

    Re: Globus Hystericus??? (not so hysterical)

    I've had some pain on the right hand side of my throat for the last 6 months, especially when swallowing saliva. I initially went to the doctor's thinking it might be a sore throat although, by looking at my throat, I couldn't see anything like white spots or redness. The doctor said I had no sore throat and advised to gargle with a desinfectant twice a day until the pain eventually would go away. After 2 weeks of gargling, the pain was still there so I went back to the doctor's and he advised to gargle with a different product. I tried this new product and quickly realised that it was as useless and the first one. After 4 months of gargling etc, I went back to the doctor's and demanded that he referred me to an ENT specialist without delay (he wasn't happy to receive an order from a patient but frankly I was fed up with the whole thing). The ENT specialist looked at my throat, nose, ears in deep detail and found absolutely nothing wrong at all. He reassured me that I had not cancer!

    The symptoms I have been suffering from are very difficult to describe. Every time I swallow saliva or food, I feel some pain on the right hand side of the throat and every now and again, I feel like a cramp (again on the right hand side of the throat) that seems to start from the deep part of the tongue down to inside the throat. That cramp prevents me from moving my mouth, so I cannot really talk for a few seconds and have to drink a lot of water for it to go. It's just a nightmare and no one could tell me what it might be, until the ENT specialist advised that I had Globus Hystericus. He said it came and went by itself and was something generated by stress and anxiety.

    Now, I have always been suffering from high blood pressure (which is purely called essential, they did a lot of blood tests, heart tests etc and this blood pressure has no cause, it's just genetic), so I have been on medication for quite a long time in order to control my blood pressure (which under medication is perfectly normal). The doctor put me on a drug called Ramipril (10 mg per day) earlier this year (to replace the one I was on before) and my throat symptoms got much worse with this drug. A very common side effect of this drug is to cause tickly cough and symptoms like sore throat although you have not got one. The ENT specialist I saw recommended that I was taken off Ramipril immediately and instructed my doctor to put me on an alternative drug (which is now Aprovel 150 mg). Since I switched drugs, my throat conditions have dramatically improved although I still feel a bit of pain, but not as much as before.

    So all I wanted to say here was that when you feel pain in the throat, whatever it is and for no obvious cause, think about any medication you're on and read the leaflet to see the potential side effects associated with the drug. Speak to your doctor about the fact that some of your symptoms may be due to the side effects of your current medication. The ENT specialist told me that a drug like Ramipril to control high blood pressure makes the symptoms of Globus Hystericus much worse. At least, I have resolved 70% of the problem as I now have to deal with the real symptoms of Globus Hystericus, without them being amplified by the side effects of the medication I was on before.

    Hope this helps some of you. Good luck!

  9. #29

    Re: Globus Hystericus??? (not so hysterical)

    Hi there

    I am a new member and have been struggling to cope with many the symptoms other people have described...

    My many problem is tight, sore and very unconfortable feeling in my throat and recently my ears. Sometime my throat feels like it spasms and feels so hard to try to relax it. Yesterday i went out and bought some Lavender oil to rub on my throat to try and relax me before i go to bed to make sure i get some sleep to have enough energy to cope the day after.

    This is very frustrating and is very difficult to describe to other people what it is like and how you learn to cope with it.

    Up until yesterday i never could put a name to it, not even my doctor could help me, just tried to put me onto anti-depressants, which isn't an option for me as they set off migraines ect.. But thanks to this website i realised i wasn't alone with this which is some comfort.

    I had something similar years ago but not this bad and painful, it lasted quite along time but was rid of it for 4 years and in February this year return due to some stress in my life that i found hard to deal with. This time it has come back with a bang and its hard to focus and get on with everyday life without always going on.

    My aim is to take each day as it come, deal with what it throws at me and try and learn to beat my stresses, anxities and complications in life..

    Many Thanks


  10. #30
    Join Date
    Nov 2008

    Re: Globus Hystericus??? (not so hysterical)

    Hi - I am suffering with a bout of Globus Hystericus at the moment. It went away for a couple of years but now seems to be back worse than ever before. Just been to my GP today, he said that if it doesn't get better, I can go back to him for further investigations into my throat. I don't see the point in this at all as I am sure that there is nothing actually wrong with my throat per se, it is psychological. I don't know what to do to make this go away this time, I get it in the evenings before bed and in the mornings when I wake up and I have started to dread the evenings. It also makes me feel sick.

    I have a lot of sympathy with the people on this forum, and I find it reassuring to know that others are dealing with this too. Can I ask what treatments others have been offered by their GP?

    Thanks very much.

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