I get 'flutters' quite a bit. They feel like my heart stops followed by a big-beat, and then normal. I've had them for 20+ years, normally only a few a day at best.

I've gone through some phases where I've had many a day 30+, and then many months with hardly any at all.

Lately I've been getting strings of them, I'm not sure exactly how to describe them, it's almost as if I feel 'weak' fatigued, and if I get nervous, anxious, or upset I'll start 'throwing palps'

A classic example is this morning. I'm traveling right now, and have not had intternet in the flat I'm staying at for a week (broken), this has been very upsetting as it's interfering with my job. Well the past few days I've been depressed as well (not leaving the room, staying in bed all day) - this morning I wake up when my phone goes off - and it turns out it's a text with the fix for the internet.

I jump up, go to the router, and about 5 min later I start getting a series of palps, maybe one palp every 10 seconds. I try all the tricks; coughing hard, splashing cold water on my face, holding my nose and blowing - but by this time my anxiety has just blasted off.

I immediately dress, put my passport in my pocket and either wait to fall over dead or go to the hospital if I need to. Instead I breathe and they pass within about 4 minutes. I guess. Still going from 3 a day to maybe 20 in 4 min is scary as hell..

I never have 'fast beats' - just these damn flutters.

I can work out on an elliptical for 60 min maintaining a hr of 130 with no problem. I do this normally 4 days a week.

I have noticed that I get palps when:

1) I overexert myself - when I'm coming down
2) I think I've overexerted myself and get nervous
3) When I'm feeling anxious or scared
4) Sometimes having sex (before or after, not so much during)

I've heard they can be brought on from adreneline or cortisol levels playing around in your system. Because I don't have faintness, dizziness, shortness of breath, chest pains, and because I can exercise with no issue I tend to think it's just etopics.. However now I just read about Wolf-Parkinson-White-Syndrome..

WPWS scares the heck out of me.

I had a monitor when I was 16 and the doc said I had atrial fib but I can't remember the name, I've never been back to the doctors - I know many of you will suggest I go get checked, but i have a PHOBIA (no joke) of hospitals and doctors - and I simply can NOT do it - never ever never...

When do ectopics become dangerous? How do you know? I've learned to ignore the single palps - but the new strings have me petrified.

This happened at 8am this morning - now it's after midnight and I haven't moved from my bed except to go to the bathroom, I'm afraid to leave the flat to climb/descend the stairs.. I feel trapped..

Any advice?
