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Thread: Scary head sensations and stomach

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    , , United Kingdom.

    Scary head sensations and stomach

    This post may sound dismal but I've been awake virutally all night with symptom after symptom and I'm at the stage where I can't be rational so really do need a little help. And I apologise for the way it might read

    At the moment, I'm feeling terrible all the time. The days are bad but the nights unbearable. It's not that i can't sleep, just my symptoms won't let me. It is now night after night after night and everynight it's different.

    Here's a summary of the last few nights

    fri - Went to bed with bloated tummy and constantly burping, woke after hour with night terror. Got back in bed, went to sleep, ten mins later, sudden feeling in left side of head (as though something rushed through it or whooshed) woke me. It was like a surge which went down the whole left side of my body. I couldn't feel my left arm, leg, side or cheek properly. I Though when Dave pinched me it hurt. I was convinced I'd had a stroke. My mouth was burning. When I stood my leg held me up but felt like it wasn't there. I felt dizzy and spiralled into a complete attack. It lasted for at least an hour and a half.

    All day Sat, my arm, leg, cheek, felt stiff and achey and I just didn't feel myslef and kept having hot sweats.

    Sat night - woke after 2 hours sleep with trapped air in chest and under diaphragm. Constant burping but none of it moved the wind. Was so bad felt like I couldn't breathe. As I tried to sleep, got burning and tingling above my lip and in my mouth and across my shoulders.

    Yesterday - all day, full of trapped air, heartburn and dizziness. Also burning in top of tummy whenever I ate. Burning in mouth and lips too.

    Last night - after hour of sleep woke with mouth and throat on fire, burning lips and sore tongue.Chemical surge under scalp and across shoulders. Jolted awake with it and a feeling that my breathing had stopped. Spiralled into a panic attack but calmed it down after 20 mins or so. But still had all the original symptoms that had woken me.

    Tried to sleep but then for the next six hours, approx, every half hour, everytime,I dropped off, I woke with a strange head sensation, that I cant really put into words, other than it was like something being triggered in my head and made me wonder if I was dying. Then I got the chemical surge again and burning, so it was circle after circle

    By 3.30 I got up and took a valium but it didn't help at all. So of course I'm thinking it can' t be anxiety or else it would have calmed things down.

    Now I still have trapped air in my tummy and when I eat it burns. I've tried peppermint tea and gaviscon over the last week or so but nothing seems to help. My tummy even hurts to touch some of the time. This I could deal with, just about if not for the neuro stuff.

    My lips and tongue feel burnt all the time. Guys what do you think. Does it sound like anxiety?

    I've had to take my last emergency diazepam today and can't say it's helped much. I can't tlake this much more. I've made it into the office but am not particularly much use.

    It feels very different to what I've been used to apart from the trapped wind which has bene getting worse over the last few months.

    I can't believe I'm so scared again. I'm doing all the right things, eating, relaxing etc but none of it seems to be helping.



  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi Jules,

    It will help eventually.

    I also burp a lot at the moment...seems to be a recent symptom and last night ever time i tried to go to sleep my heart started pounding away.

    I know it's not fun but try to just get on with things the best you can.

    First Anxiety...then panic GAD and working on a better future!

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    hi jules ,iam the same today , sounds deff like anxiety to me , i have the same symptons, i hate the nights cause thats when i panic the most , i didnt get to bed till 3 today and now iam tired but cant sleep cause my symtoms wont let me . you are not alone with this mate

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
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    Hi Jules,

    It's hard to tell whether your symptoms are from anxiety or your anxiety is from your symptoms, or a bit of both.

    *By 3.30 I got up and took a valium but it didn't help at all. So of course I'm thinking it can' t be anxiety or else it would have calmed things down*
    If you know this is what usually works for you it might be worth going to the doctors just to get checked over, especially if it is keeping you awake. It may well just be anxiety but at least you would have the peace of mind of knowing this. I don't know, I'm no dr but if I were feeling like this I would probably go.

    You were probably right to go into work, take your mind off it a little. Hopefully as the day goes on you will get more into your work and forget about it a little. Then you might have more of a clue as to whether it is anxiety.

    Sorry I've not been much help! Hope you're feeling a little better soon.

    Tammy x

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Thanks for the replies.

    At the moment it's the head stuff and left sided weakness on fri that has scared me the most. I keep wondering whether it could have been a TIA. Meg maybe you can help. I'm trying not to surf any sites. I had left sided weakness a couple of years back but it didn't seem anything like this. And it certainly didn't come on with the odd head feeling. I think it was when I was hungover.I've been trying to find my old posts but can't seem to be able to. Nic/Meg, can you help, are they still available. I'm trying to be rational but just don't know.

    Have forced myself to eat some lunch and have bottle of soda water on my desk to help with my tum. But am now thinking could it be the sodium in the water and gaviscon I've been taking that caused the neuro stuff.

    The left side of my head is hurting right now but it doesn't really feel like a muscle ache more inside. WEll back to work, I suppose



  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
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    No answers really Jules, just to say keep going until Meg arrives, perhaps you need to get some more valium for emergencies again and this may give you chance to talk it over with your GP.
    I recently went to hospital with what I was convinced a heart attack or stroke only to be told it was a severe anxiety attack but it came at the stage I was loads better.It is hard to believe anxiety can cause these symptoms, take care anyway,

    love from Alexisxxxx

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi Jules

    Defo sounds like anxiety hun can relate to the head surges (V.nasty!!) and also the side pain and numbness Ive recently started to get this, as someone else said its so hard to believe this is anxiety that causes these symptoms but we have to try and believe it-I should try and listen to that advice myself LOL!!!

    Kirsty X

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    , , United Kingdom.

    Think you need to go and get something stronger for the burning in tummy etc which sounds like acid reflux so an omperazole type med with help that plus we have some very happy people who have had that type of symptom helped with aloe vera juice too.

    The neuro stuff isn't new for you - you've always had neuro type symptoms. It may be a variation on a theme though. I highly doubt it's a TIA. Usually with a TIA you have some sort of real residual/ transient weaknesses and it sounds like you just thought and felt that you did, but in reality had bilateral strengths throughout.

    Do mention it when you go for tummy stuff anyway.

    Are you dancing/ exercising enough to get rid of some of the adrenalin that you're secreting ?


    Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
    How big is your gallery ?

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