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Thread: docs tell you do just have 2 weeks doing what you feel like

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    docs tell you do just have 2 weeks doing what you feel like

    right. I have been feeling really rough for a couple of weeks with flus anxiety and now depression seems to have set in again. Last time the doc told me take a week or 2 to do what you like dont worry about house work etc let someone else do it. So im sitting here as i dont have the energy to do it and thought look at the state of this place. No one has run a hoover around, noone has ironed anything and noone has gone shopping. I have a husband and 2 boys aged 19 and 17, so when i go to docs tommorrow and i know thats what he will say just rest take some stress off yourself i think i will laugh in his face as im fed up of living in a pig stye

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Re: docs tell you do just have 2 weeks doing what you feel like

    i think others should do there fair share of helping you do the house work, do your boys (who are adults now) not help out with hoovering and cleaning, its only fair to help you out, especially when you are feeling poorly which depression is, its not just feeling sad it is an illness too

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Re: docs tell you do just have 2 weeks doing what you feel like

    Hi Den I read your post from the other day about your massive panic attack and needing some time away from work.It is hard if family members wont pull their weight. I have felt lousy this weekend due to a change of medication. It is not easy when nothing gets done. We just end up feeling guilty. As a short term measure get one of these ironing companies to take away the shirts and bukly items and iron them and bring them back for you. Get the children to hoover for you (essential bits only) Arrange to have take aways or freezer meals for a few days. Please do not feel guilty. you are not well and deserve a break. Let us know how you get on. Ps I'm sorry I didn't reply to last nights post as I was having a hrd time myself and now I've lost it.!!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Re: docs tell you do just have 2 weeks doing what you feel like

    thanks for your replies. My husband has now been shopping and is doing some ironing but i feel guilty. i know i shouldnt but cant help it. i hope you settle on your new medication soon. I have decided to go to docs tommorrow and try some medication for myself

  5. #5

    Re: docs tell you do just have 2 weeks doing what you feel like

    I am a single parent with 2 small children and if I did the same my house would literally be destroyed but I have been advised to do the same. I have a lovely lovely friend who is helping me through this terrible period of anxiety and she has made me see that the world won't end if the washing up isn't done, but I too find it much easier to relax in a tidy house. Make sure everyone is doing their fair share, there really is no reason you should be waiting on three grown men hand and foot. I have been on trazodone for a week and it has made me a changed person really

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Re: docs tell you do just have 2 weeks doing what you feel like

    erm... most psychologists would say that doing housework and keep yourself busy is the best thing to do, the last thing you need when feeling like this is to be allowing yourself to stagnate hun, I would ask to see someone a bit more specialised than a doctor perhaps?
    Every day is a new battle, you can either fight on, or put up your hands and admit defeat.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2008

    Re: docs tell you do just have 2 weeks doing what you feel like

    I find its best to keep busy too. Even if its just at a slow pace.

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