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Thread: Citalopram - Getting some answers

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    , , United Kingdom.

    Citalopram - Getting some answers

    Ok. Long story short in the last 18 months I have suffered a still birth, my father's second bout of cancer, some major housing issues, the job from hell, and my partner's suicide attempt. Prior to all this excitement (ha) I had suffered some degree of anxiety but had always managed the symptoms relatively successfully, until last December I ended up being signed off work and on diazepam.

    I returned to work, got a better job, got the housing thing sorted out and my partner and I have worked through a lot. Which is, of course, the exact moment my anxiety escalated into full blown panic attacks. My doctor has been great and yesterday we discussed putting me on a realtively low dose of citalopram and 'see how we go' . I hate taking even painkillers and so I came home and read everything I could find about panic attacks and drug therapy. (Which is how I found this great place!) So much of what I read about citalopram seemed negative and another member of the forum suggested I speak to a pharmacist today - which I'm so glad I did.

    She told me exactly how it worked, how many people she had seen who had had any problems, what the problems were and what she would suggest. She was adamant that any drug therapy be backed up by talking therapies as she quite rightly pointed out that drug therapy only tackles the symptoms, not the root.

    In any case I feel much better today, and although I have had chest pains and tightness and panic-y moments, I feel as though there is a tiny light at the end of the tunnel - thanks in no small part to finding this place and not feeling so alone with it all.

    And its the first time in a year that I haven't had constant pains in my arm - its fantastic!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    Glad you are feeling better today.

    She is right about the medication - you have to treat the route cause as well as use meds to give you a break from all the symptoms etc.

    I am so pleased you are feeling better - great news


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