Hi everyone. I'm new here but am in need of some advice.

So a little back story first. I am always full of worry.
I'll worry about the silliest things, the smallest things.
I'll sometimes get so consumed with worry I'll get angry, and short fused with people. I work shift work which is extremely stressful and I can't switch off at home or outside of work. I went to the doctor and he prescribed me these citlopram tablets and told me to go for a blood test. But looking at these tablets and through some googling, I seem to think these tablets are more to do with depression than worry and anxiety. I've taken the first tablet today, but I really am in two minds about taking these tablets. I don't really see what they can do for me.

So I ask you for some advice, should I be taking these tablets? Will they help me?

Thank you for any advice offered.