I know I am very late to the party, but I'd like to join as well. I want to lose 15 pounds to start, but I ultimately need to lose 100 pounds. (Sorry, I'm in the US and have no idea how much a stone is ). I know it's a lot--I am only 5 feet tall and the ideal weight for my height is pretty far from my weight now! I have PCOS and if any of you other ladies have it, you will know that it makes it very easy to gain weight and very hard to lose it :(

I'm a vegetarian, have been one for about 8 years now, lost about 30lb when I first stopped eating meat but over the years I gained it all back with extra. Even veggie folks like their carbs and sweets I really have to reduce the carbs, though, because my doctor says they are keeping my triglyceride levels too high. I am in grad school and find it hard to get time to exercise, but I am doing yoga twice a week and hubby and I are going for a brisk walk every day.