Does anyone avoid certain things cos they worry it'll make things worse? & I don't just mean going out etc.
For example, since my anxiety kicked off I have stopped:

Dying my hair - I've done this for years (since 2004) but now I'm worried my anxiety has done something to my hormones so if I dye my hair now I'll have a reaction & dye. Which is distressing me because I love my blonde locks & want to keep them :(

Listening to my iPod - Of all things!!! I haven't listened to it since I went the A&E & all this awfulness kicked off. I'm worried a song will come on that'll remind me of then/the awful christmas I had & start a panic attack off or worse I'll hear a song from when I was "normal" & I'll be depressed.

Watching any TV program I was watching near the time I was sent to the hospital - Mainly for the same reasons as stated with the iPod.

Walking - Used to walk everywhere for hours a day sometimes, now I barely leave my house incase I get my heart rate up & I take ill outside.

Having a shower - I have to have baths now because I can't stand in the shower, I worry about exherting myself or going dizzy/fainting/hurting myself...

Having the heating on - I'm worried about getting too hot & setting everything off i.e heart rate, sweating, feeling faint :S

Drinking alcohol - Used to go out with mates on a weekend, now can't bear to touch the stuff as I believe it caused me to have a panic attack on xmas eve, even though I only had half a tiny glass of lambrini lol.

There's just a makes me really depressed that such little things that I enjoyed have been took away from me. I don't know how I can ease myself back into it all.
Sometimes I just feel like my life is over & I should just die of some awful illness anyway
Sorry for moaning, I'm having a bad night (again) :(