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Thread: An accidental head poking

  1. #1

    An accidental head poking

    I was on a bus earlier in the evening when I started feeling panicky, went to grab the bar of the seat in front of me and accidently poked the woman sitting there in the head. oops! Luckily for me she had fallen asleep. The head poke woke her up but she must have thought she had been dreaming as all she did was pat it and then she started to read her paper. I was also lucky that the rest of the bus was empty so noone saw this accidental head poke. Although I can see the funny side now, I was mortified and embarrassed at the time and just after. I have suffered from panic attacks for twenty years whilst travelling and it can be so embarrassing. Does anyone else feel like this and has anyone had any embarrassing incidents whilst having a panic attack? I was also wondering if panic attacks when travelling is common. Any tips on coping strategies would be great, I would really like to avoid poking anymore people in the head on buses.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    , , USA.

    Re: An accidental head poking

    Never poked anyone in the head "YET" lol.. but that is funny..I bet she was thinking 'wonder if the sky is falling'. .anyway .. yes yes yes panic has been present with me while traveling in my life.. but it happens and then you get over it.. I haven't done anything like that yet and not sure if I did I could remember it just now but thats a hard one to match lol.. Keep your head poking away from me lol. Just kidding thanks for sharing .. made me giggle. Michael
    Blah Blah Blah Blah..

  3. #3

    Re: An accidental head poking

    Oh LittleFluffyCloud, sorry but this did make me giggle
    Dont suppose the head poking stoped your panic attack by any chance?? seems like it gave you something else to focus on for a short while at least!

    Im terrible on public transport too, tho I dont use it too much now, as I drive. I get my PA whilst driving tho, which is so not nice.

    I do sympathize with you tho, but I wouldnt worry about it. The lady didnt notice, and it was just an accidental poke after all.xx

  4. #4

    Re: An accidental head poking

    I'm glad I made you both giggle. Yeah, it did take my mind off things for a little while. I wish I could drive but I'm afraid I might have a panic attack and cause an accident. I'm also generally an anxious person and my concentration is terrible!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: An accidental head poking

    I accidentally brought my elbow down (hard!) on a man's head in a pub once! He was sitting down, and I was standing up ready to go, and pulling a jumper on!

    It was most embarassing, and I have to say he was not particularly pleased!!!
    Last edited by Meltdown; 09-02-10 at 20:09.

  6. #6
    KK77's Avatar
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    Re: An accidental head poking

    Can't believe I missed this post - that made me laugh! Alls well that ends well as they say...

    Maybe next time you could wear some thick gloves - that way your "poke" would be cushioned somewhat!

    Never Surrender, Comrade

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Re: An accidental head poking

    I once panicked on a bus , got really dizzy and stood up trying to get off, just as the bus lurched and i ended up sitting on the knee of a rather large and smelly man who just looked at me like christmas had come early, eurgh. I avoided buses for months afterwards

    I try listening to music to take my mind of the feeling, or playing my ds 2 , just dont try and get off, you just fall on people and then have to walk further

    No one ever tells you that forever feels like home. Sitting all alone inside your head...

  8. #8

    Re: An accidental head poking

    Apart from the worry of people noticing I'm having an attack nothing really. Anyway nice to hear stories from other folks

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