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Thread: Anyone make jewellery???

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Re: Anyone make jewellery???

    Do take in mind, they might be dog poo
    You are making dog poo ?????????

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Re: Anyone make jewellery???

    Ok i made a rosette bracelet oh my lord!! it might aswell have been made out of god poo!! shocking and far to embarassed to post it!! it was however my first try, i am sure if i stick with it i will get better! I am now thinking of customising shoes haha, i need to step away from this idea and concentrate on the jewellery otherwise i will destroy all the shoes i own by covering them in bubble wrap or something! xx

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Re: Anyone make jewellery???

    Oh MEG, I was hoping to see a picture. I tell you what, wait until you've done something that you are really pleased with and post it then. I know what you mean about ruining something, LOL @ the bubble wrap thing, sometimes I've had a good idea for a piece of clothing and totally trashed it.

  4. #24

    Re: Anyone make jewellery???

    If you are looking for copper wires, get yourself an electrician friend. Those guys go thru tons of wires every month and most of them just throw it out. You can use it to make wire jewelery. And you can coat those wires with solder and then paint with patina (metalic paint) of almost any colour.

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